Is the Cross Inherently Pagan?

Many in the Messy-anic Movement claim the cross is inherently pagan because pagans have used it in the passed & Christians use it in pagan ways today…

The cross, like many other things (the wheel, the bow, fire, plumbing, etc.) is an independent invention.

That means it’s a rudimentary thing that was concocted by different people at different times for different purposes.

It’s no more pagan than a pine tree or a pumpkin.

It’s what is done with it and to it and for it that determines its paganry or purity.

The paleo-Hebrew letter Tav is a cross. And the Templar’s utilized that exact cross as their central emblem so they could hide in plain sight while thumbing their nose at Rome.

The chi-Rho cross was a pagan Mithraic emblem. The Odin’s eye cross is just as pagan yet fashioned from an unrelated source. As is the Yellow cross of the Cathars invented out of thin air to to disguise their Gnosticism as a Christian variant till it was too late to stop without a crusade. Just as surely as the cross of Scientology was invented out of nowhere for the purposes of psychological association.

Worshiping the cross is what makes it a pagan thing.

Tammuz had a cross that was not the same as that of other religions and unrelated to other regions. It’s as diverse an emblem as could possibly be constructed.

Take the skull and crossbones for example. In Modernity it represents poison. Before that the Gestapo of Nazi germany utilized it as one of their emblems. And before that it was a sign of piracy. But before that it was invented by the followers of the Messiah to tell fellow believers where they were meeting in the catacombs but moreover to remind the disciples of the resurrection promise of Ezekiel 37.

Symbols gain and lose meaning just as the same character can be invented by two different civilizations in two different time periods unrelated to eachother. 

Unlike inherently pagan things such as Yule and Samhein and Eastre and Dies Solis, the cross is not inherently pagan or pure. It’s just a generic symbol which contains the meaning applied to it by its presenter.

Use it or don’t use it. But don’t tell other people about its inherent meaning when you haven’t studied the history of it and only know the heresay of Alexander Hislop company.


Caleb Lussier

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