A moderate amount of support would help to get some things doing laundry and such It looks hopeful we will finally have a place to be and get out of hobo mode at the end of the month here anything helps if compelled~ Prayer truly is most important though prayer and praising our heavenly Father through all things~
God told Noah he could eat every living thing. Doesn't that mean we can eat pigs and lobsters?
"Every seed-bearing plant" and "every living thing" are descriptions of categories. In other words, God gave Adam permission to eat from the category of seed-bearing plants and Noah permission to eat from the category of living things, but he did not mean for either of them to understand that they could eat absolutely any and every member of those categories. Let me explain....
Just a thought coming to mind this evening:
The angels told Lot and his family to flee the city and not to look back whatever happens. Lot's wife did look back and changed into a pillar of salt. Is that not what happens in today's life, in this "upside-down" world? We repent our sins, turn away from the lusts of this world and focus on Yeshua, but we still long for the pleasures of this world and are tempted to turn around. When we do, we also get caught up with temptation and turn into pillars of salt. The temptations does not allow us to face the future with Elohiym, but keeps us prisoners in the past. We need to break loose, not look back at our past, but keep our focus on Yeshua. Keep on praying, keep on believing and stay strong in your faith. Be blessed!
A chiasm in #genesis 9:1-7 brackets "don't eat blood" between "be fruitful and multiply." What does this mean?
The act of eating blood is directly connected to murder. Respect for life plus love of God and neighbor brings a long and fruitful life. #noach #chiasm
Since we're studying the Tower of Babel this week, we invite you to read this series by Christine Miller, on how Babel (Babylon) has touched everything in our world today!
Heather Mott
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