Sabbath Keepers Fellowship Weekly Torah Study
Join us on Zoom for prayer, fellowship and discussion of the weekly Torah portion, the Haftarah, the Writings of the Disciples, and the Min Hazaqen Torah Commentary.
Our small, friendly group welcomes beginners and those who are learned in the scriptures, and we always take time for questions and answers.
We begin at 7pm Central Time on the 5th day of each week. Here is the link:
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There are some amazing parallels between the binding of Isaac in Genesis 22 and the death and resurrection of #yeshua.
1. Abraham loved Isaac and the Father was well pleased with Yeshua.
2. Isaac's altar was a three days journey and Yeshua spent three days in the grave.
3. Two unnamed men accompanied Isaac to Mount Moriah and two unnamed men accompanied Yeshua to the Hill of the Skull.
4. Isaac and Yeshua both went willingly and carried the wood for their own death.
5. Isaac and Yeshua were both resurrected at God's intervention, Isaac symbolically and Yeshua literally.
6. A ram replaced Isaac on the altar of Moriah and a Lamb replaced all mankind on the altar of Heaven.
7. Isaac disappeared from the story until the unnamed servant returned with his bride. Yeshua has disappeared from the world until the Holy Spirit has fully prepared his bride.
The quality that really separated Ishmael and Isaac wasn't a profession or behavior. God didn't reject Ishmael because he was a hunter, while Isaac was a farmer. Ultimately, it wasn't even because Ishmael wasn't the child of promise. The real difference between the two men was a penitent heart.
If your religion isn't bringing you closer to the heart of God, then your religion is useless.
And with him they crucified two robbers, one on his right and one on his left.
Mark 15:27
"Robbers" is probably a poor translation. They were not common thieves, but rebels against Rome. #yeshua, who lived a perfectly obedient life, died as a rebel at the hands of Rome to save those who were actually rebels against God.
Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury.
Proverbs 9:7
The etymology of scoffer (luts) seems to connect scoffing with babbling nonsense. A derivative, melits, is a translator or ambassador, someone who relays a message between people of different tongues, ie who seem to speak nonsense to each other. The same connection is apparent in English when someone says "nyah nyah" or "blah blah" to mock someone else's words.
If someone is prone to mock the words of others, then correcting him will only give him fuel.
The fella in the picture is a very ancient false-deity from the fertile-crescent. He found his way to Europe and became one of the primary deities in their pantheon. When the Catholic church became the master of Europe and the very first western bibles were made on the new printing press, they allowed his name to usurp the name of YHWH, creator of heaven and earth. His name is “God.”
YHWH Himself has this to say about him:
“I have let Myself be inquired of, not by those who asked; I was found, not by those who sought Me. I said, ‘Here I am, here I am,’ to a nation not calling on My Name. I have held out My hands all day long to a stubborn people, who walk in a way that is not excellent, after their own thoughts; the people who provoke Me continually to My face, who slaughter in gardens, and burn incense on altars of brick; who sit among the burial-sites, and spend the night in secret places, who eat flesh of pigs, and the broth of unclean meat is in their pots, who say, ‘Keep to yourself, do not come near me, for I am holier than thou to you!’ These are smoke in My nostrils, a fire that burns all day. See, it is written before Me: I am not silent, but shall repay, and I shall repay into their bosom, your crookednesses and the crookednesses of your fathers together,” said YHWH, “who burned incense on the mountains and reproached Me on the hills. And I shall measure their former work into their bosom.” Thus said YHWH, “As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one shall say, ‘Do not destroy it, for there is blessing in it,’ so I do for My servants’ sake, not to destroy them all. “And I shall bring forth a seed from Ya’aqov, and from Yehudah an heir of My mountains. And My chosen ones shall inherit it, and My servants dwell there. And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks, and the Valley of Akor a place for herds to lie down, for My people who have sought Me. But you are those who forsake YHWH, who forget My set-apart mountain, who prepare a table for God, and who fill a drink offering for Meni. And I shall allot you to the sword, and let you all bow down to the slaughter, because I called and you did not answer, I spoke and you did not hear, and you did evil before My eyes and chose that in which I did not delight.”
WORD FOR TODAY “do you have this kind of faith?”: Dan 3:17 "If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.
SPOKEN VERSE FOR TODAY: Pro 19:9 A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who tells lies will perish.
“Faith comes by hearing” positive frequencies spoken out loud hourly.