Question 38: Who was Moses’ Ethiopian wife?
Commentators hold that the Ethiopian (or Cushite) woman mentioned in Numbers 12 as the wife of Moses, against whom Aaron and Miriam complained, was Zipporah. Their opposition is believed to have been caused by jealousy of her relatives and their influence.
Question 37: What is the meaning of “Mizpah”?
Mizpah or Mizpeh was the name of several localities in Old Testament history. The word means "a watch-tower" and in literature the whole of the beautiful remark made by Laban to Jacob (Genesis 31:49) has been included in its meaning: "Elohiym watch between me and thee when we are absent one from the other."
Frequently asked questions and answers:
Question 36: What was manna?
It is supposed that the manna of the Israelites was a saccharine exudation of a species of tamarisk, the sap of which was set flowing by an insect. Several trees yield manna, as the flowering ash of Sicily and the eucalyptus of Australia. In India a sweet exudation comes from the bamboo and a similar substance is obtained from the sugar-pine and common reed of the USA.
Question 35: Who were the kings of Judah in succession?
The names of the kings of Judah in their canonical order are: Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah (queen), Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin and Zedekiah.
Question 34: What was the origin of the name “Jew”?
The appellation "Jew" is derived from the patriarch Judah and was originally applied to all members of that tribe and also to subjects of the separate kingdom of Judah, in contradistinction to the seceding ten tribes, who retained the name of Israelites. During the captivity and ever since, the term "Jew" seems to have been applied indiscriminately to the whole race.
Question 33: How many walls did Jerusalem have:
There were three walls about Jerusalem. The first was built by David and Solomon; the second, enclosing one of the northern sections of the city, was built by Uzziah, Jotham and Manasseh and restored by Nehemiah; the third was built by Herod Agrippa and was intended to enclose the hitherto unprotected suburbs which had grown out from the northern part of the city. According to Josephus, who is not always thoroughly reliable, the circumference of the city, evidently including all the sections enclosed by the three walls he describes, was thirty-three stadia, a little less than four English miles.
Frequently asked questions and answers:
Question 31: Was Ham, the son of Noah, the first black man?
Ham is believed to be the progenitor of the black race. In the past some have taught that a curse was put on Ham and therefore, the black race by YHVH, but the curse was not put upon Ham, but upon Canaan (see Genesis 9:18-27). There is no Biblical evidence for a curse upon Ham or the black race.