Question 245: In what language did Moshiach speak?
The common language at that time was Aramaic, a Syro-Chaldaic dialect. After the Babylonian captivity it supplanted the original Hebrew, although the latter continued in use for ecclesiastical documents. It is reasonable to believe that Moshiach used Aramaic, as the people would not have understood Him had He spoken any other language. Matthew is commonly believed to have been written in Aramaic and the other three in Greek. The commercial and literary language of the day was Greek. Neither Luke nor John was an uneducated man. Both would be likely to know Greek. Mark too, as a young Jew of some standing, would probably know the language.
Question 244: What is the meaning of the name Yeshua?
The name "Yeshua" is the name by which the Saviour is preferably known in the Gospels. "Moshiach" is used as a proper name in the Epistles, but in the Gospels, except in rare instances, such as Matthew 1:1; Mark 1:1; Luke 2:11; John 1:17 there is found not the familiar "Moshiach" but "The Moshiach." The later combination of the two names, "Yeshua Moshiach," is found only in John (John 17:3) and after the resurrection (Acts 2:38, 3:6). "Yeshua" is the Greek form of the Hebrew name "Yeshua." "Yeshua" means Deliverer and the divine selection of the name is indicated in Matthew 1:21 - "He shall save His people from their sins." “Moshiach” in Hebrew is Mashiach and “the Moshiach” is HaMashiach
Question 243: Why is Yeshua sometimes called the Son of Man and sometimes the Son of YHVH?
It is held that Yeshua, in applying to Himself the title Son of Man, intended to emphasize His humanity and His representative character. The Jews were looking for a Messiah who would raise Israel to the head of the nations; Yeshua wished to impress the disciples with the fact that He was representative of the whole human race and not of the Jews only. Then too, to have spoken openly of Himself as the Son of YHVH would have been at once to exasperate the Jews and bring upon Himself a charge of blasphemy, as in the end it did (see John 10:36). The title Son of Man, was not open to that danger, as it was expressive of lowliness, humility and identification with humanity. In using it however, Yeshua did not withdraw His claim to be the Son of YHVH. When the High Priest put Him on His oath (see Matthew 26:63-65) He acknowledged that He was the Son of YHVH.
Question 242: What were the characteristics of Yeshua that made Him so worthy of following?
He was altogether lovely, Song of Solomon 5:16; holy, righteous, good, faithful, true, just, guileless and sinless, spotless, innocent, harmless (Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27; Isaiah 53:11; Matthew 19:16; Isaiah 11:5; John 1:14; John 7:18; Zechariah 9:9; John 5:30; Isaiah 53:9; 1 Peter 2:22; John 8:46; 1 Peter 1 :19; Matthew 27:4.). He was forgiving, Luke 23:34; merciful, Hebrews 2 :17 and loving, John 13:1, 15:13; compassionate and benevolent, Isaiah 40:11; Luke 19:41; Matthew 4:23, 24; Acts 10:38. He was meek, lowly in heart; patient, humble and long suffering, Matthew 11:29, 27:14; 1 Timothy 1:16; Luke 22:27. Though zealous, He was resigned, resisted temptation and was obedient to YHVH the Father, even as He had been subject to His parents in His youth (Luke 2:49, 22:42; John 4:34, 15:10; Luke 2:57).
Frequently asked questions and answers:
Question 241: Was the ascension in human form?
The visible resurrection was essential as a demonstration of his victory over death. The facts of the ascension are so well authenticated in numerous passages, that they are accepted by all denominations of the Church. It was a bodily ascension, visible to the multitudes, as far as human eye could penetrate. What change may have occurred in the spiritualizing of His body, in its preparation for His place on YHVH's right hand, we may only conjecture. The best commentators hold that "though Moshiach rose with the same body in which He died, it acquired, either at His resurrection or at His ascension and without the loss of identity, the attributes of a spiritual body, as distinguished from a natural body; of an incorruptible, as distinguished from a corruptible, body." See Philippians 3:21; Colossians 3:4.
Jeremiah 14:14, “ Then the Lord said to me, “Those prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I did not send them. I did not appoint them or speak to them. They have been prophesying false visions, idolatries and worthless magic. And they have been prophesying their own wishful thinking.” Recently there has been a great amount of excitement over the “revivals” that have been happening. Unfortunately many of these are nothing more than music concerts for entertainment with very little actual repentance.
Yeshua told us not to look back after we have put our hands to the plow. Of course that means to be completely committed to living a godly life, but where does this godly life take us? It might be smart to have some idea where we are going so that our plowing flows in the right direction.
Yeshua told us not to look back after we have put our hands to the plow. Of course that means to be completely committed to living a godly life, but where does this godly life take us? It might be smart to have some idea where we are going so that our plowing flows in the right direction.