Genesis 15:6, “Abram believed the Lord. And the Lord accepted Abram’s faith, and that faith made him right with God.” (ICB) We are not told how Abraham came to accept the things that the Creator told him, all we know is that Abraham chose to be faithful to Him. Faith is personal and how we decide to choose the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is also personal and different for everyone.
WORD FOR TODAY “do you trust”: Joh 20:29 Yeshua said to him, "Have you trusted because you have seen me? How blessed are those who do not see, but trust anyway!"
SPOKEN VERSE FOR TODAY: Pro 24:3 By wisdom a house is built, by understanding it is made secure,
“Faith comes by hearing” positive frequencies spoken out loud hourly.
Shalom dear fellow Shofar Blowers and Listeners!
🔻 Here is your Meeting Link:
Feel free to invite others using this link:
🎤Please let us know if you would like to lead worship in one of the next meetings, or know someone that would.
We are Looking forward to sounding the Shofar with you in Jerusalem!
Camp Ephraim
Shalom dear fellow Shofar Blowers and Listeners!
🔻 Here is your Meeting Link:
Feel free to invite others using this link:
🎤Please let us know if you would like to lead worship in one of the next meetings, or know someone that would.
We are Looking forward to sounding the Shofar with you in Jerusalem!
Camp Ephraim
How do we maintain a continuous attitude of prayer? Before asking that question, we might want to start with asking what exactly prayer is. That's the nature of this discussion between Elder Barry Phillips and Strategic Prayer Director Ron Runyon.
How do we maintain a continuous attitude of prayer? Before asking that question, we might want to start with asking what exactly prayer is. That's the nature of this discussion between Elder Barry Phillips and Strategic Prayer Director Ron Runyon.
Yeshua said that nobody knows the precise day and hour of his return, and I believe this also means we can't know the year or even the decade very far in advance. As the time gets very close, we might be able to tell that by observing the events in the world around us, but I think that's as precise as we can get. However, the real point of Yeshua's warning to be ready for his return is to be ready "in season and out". Make disciples of other men today and be a better disciple yourself every day.
Matthew 24:32-51