I have two daughters in community college getting their general education and paying for their classes in cash.
My son is in the trades and doing just fine.
My nephew is staying with us to get his MA from UMKC. He has an associates in hospitality, a BA in English, is attending for his masters, and no college debt.
My last employer paid for my AS. I got my electronics training in the Navy.
I have two daughters in community college getting their general education and paying for their classes in cash.
My son is in the trades and doing just fine.
My nephew is staying with us to get his MA from UMKC. He has an associates in hospitality, a BA in English, is attending for his masters, and no college debt.
My last employer paid for my AS. I got my electronics training in the Navy.
The only way university costs go back to a rational level is if college goes back to being special.
Live at 7:30 PM Eastern Standard time, How We Should Honor Our Parents In Today’s World. Listen where you get your favorite podcasts, use the player on our homepage or here https://www.spreaker.com/show/....give-god-90-episode- With a free account you can join the chat or leave a message, please consider liking and sharing these podcasts.
If the inhabitants of a city follow an idolatrous prophet and refuse to repent, God says the entire city and everything in it is to be destroyed. (Deuteronomy 13:12-17)
That's how seriously God views idolatry and taking his name in vain. Freedom of religion is great within the boundaries that God has set, but the worship of any deity except YHWH shouldn't be tolerated. Despite modern political dogma, idolatry is not a victimless crime. It poisons the whole people and damages their relationship with the Creator.
You shall walk after YHWH your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and hold fast to him.
Deuteronomy 13:4
This verse gives six ways for men to love God: 1) Walk in His ways 2) Fear Him 3) Keep His commandments 4) Obey Him 5) Serve Him 6) Hold fast to His covenants.
Enrollment in The Chiasm Course and the Common Sense Bible Study community closes in 5 hours!
The first class is tonight at 7 PM CDT, so sign up now so you don't miss it.
#biblestudy #biblepatterns #chiasms
If a prophet or miracle worker teaches idolatry or to abandon the commandments of God in favor of the commandments of some other god or of mere men, then he must be stoned to death after a public trial with at least two witnesses and a civil judge. We are forbidden to listen to him anymore.
#deuteronomy 13:1-10 #reeh #yeshua #godslaw
If #jesus ever taught against #torah, then He CANNOT be Messiah. Period. The End. So it's a good thing Jesus NEVER taught against Torah! He always preached obedience to God and the rejection of all conflicting man-made rules.