Thought for Today: Thursday August 25:
May YHVH impart to you a new level of faith and expectancy. May He stir up a new passion for serving Him. May He release in you a new level of insight and grant you a sharper perspective. May He lead you to new heights with Him so you can believe Him for great things!
We priced out a fancy front door today at Menards ahead of a visit from a gent quoting some needed updates to our house. This is our second quote, the first guy seemed very practical and reasonable. We were just doing our due diligence.
The remodeling rep came in and sat at our kitchen table. We're looking for new windows and exterior doors with storm doors. He began with the kitchen door right next to us that was wide open. Our AC was on and keeping the house cool despite 85 degrees outside and only two ancient and battle-worn storm doors (the front door was open, too) between us and the outside world. The first number I saw on his screen was about $1800 dollars. I asked if that was for both the door and the storm door. He said it was just the storm door. These go for ~$175 at Home Depot. They are literally disposable armor for your house. Glass, aluminum, and a little insulation with a sliding screen on the glass. These are glorified screen doors.
He got to the actual kitchen door, quoting a direct replacement for what we have in place but with blinds inside the window, the price was FIVE times higher than the fancy front door I designed at Menards earlier in the day. The dude was undaunted. He explained how the door was pretty much the solution to climate change. It was so energy efficient that if we outfitted our house with these doors and their windows, we might drop our electric bill $100/month. But we need three exterior doors and TWELVE windows, which he quoted at THREE times what our other contractor quoted (double pane, argon, Energy Star rated, yadda, yadda). $1200 a year would take almost two decades to pay back what this fellow was proposing.
So I stopped him and pointed at the open door to the deck and the open front door. I had to tell him verbally "we really don't care about the energy savings, look these doors are wide open right now." He said "you're an engineer, aren't you?" Well, kinda. But we have teenagers and young adults coming and going all the time. The doors have to be closed to do anything. Ours are only closed when there's impending doom or it's unlivable outside.
Then I got up and showed him the insulation factor of the door doesn't matter unless a) it's closed and b) it seals closed like a ships hatch. What we're really trying to solve with these updates is closing up gaps that have appeared over these 21 years of life with contractor-special doors and windows. He parted on good terms. You guys need anything from Menards while I'm there?
Rest in Peace Tonya O'Brien
Do you need someone to pray for you? Visit our Worldwide Prayer board on our website where you can post your prayer request and the Triumph In Truth extended family can pray for you! You can also view others prayers request and let them know you are praying for them too! Blessings.
God doesn't care how meaningful those pagan rituals, prayers, holidays, and symbols are to you. He hates them.
Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Of course, not every tradition or ritual or holiday is pagan, not even all of the ones that aren't found in Scripture. I think it's important to look at them all honestly, setting aside all assumptions and emotional attachments. Don't throw it out just because you don't understand it, but don't keep it either without doing some research and prayer.
This is coming up on Tuesday. Please join us in person at the Quill or join us on Zoom:
This is coming up on Tuesday. Please join us in person at the Quill or join us on Zoom:
A command not to emulate pagans comes right after laws against eating blood. That's probably not a coincidence. There's a lot of blood involved in Temple worship. The temptation to ritualize the consumption of blood in the context of religious sacrifices must be huge! But we are commanded not to worship our God the way pagans worship theirs. Drinking blood dishonors both God and the animal from which it came.
Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Are you a busy homeschooling mom with even busier toddlers and preschoolers? Are you wondering how you will ever get through a long list of school subjects when your youngest children also need your attention? Here are some tips...