Here's a list of Apostolic/New Testament passages I recommend for #bilbestudy with Torah Parsha #shemini (#leviticus 9-11), plus links to commentary:
Just wanted to share this excitment! This has been a 2 year project and it is finally complete! ? Counting the Omer with daily devotions and journal pages as well as scripture focus pages.
The Word and the Way is now called First Century Christianity. Here's why.
These three questions are of utmost important to each and every one of us.
Yeshua applies His own Blood to us when, by faith, we receive His finished work at Calvary. This is not a physical sprinkling; rather, it is a legal, spiritual transaction. He applies the Blood on our hearts in response to our faith. Until we truly believe in the power of His sacrifice at Calvary, the Blood of Yeshua cannot produce any effect upon our souls! [Whom YHVH hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His Blood, to declare His Righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of YHVH.] -- Romans 3:25. Churches around the world partake of communion regularly and many, many believers partake in communion during candle lighting time at the start of Shabbat. Yet, Paul warns us not to [drink the cup in an unworthy manner.] This does not mean merely partaking of a communion service after we have failed in some way; we know that if we repent of our sin, Yeshua will forgive us and cleanse us of all iniquity. Paul is saying we are to discern Moshiach's Body properly. He is talking about coming to Adonai's Table, drinking of the cup symbolic of His Blood and yet not believing in the Power of that Blood! It has to do with sitting in condemnation and fear; not believing that Moshiach's Blood has justified and sanctified us in YHVH's sight. [Likewise, also the cup after supper, saying, this cup is the New Covenant in My Blood, which is shed for you.] -- Luke 22:20. When you place your faith in the finished work of Yeshua, the Covenant has been sealed by His Blood, the agreement has been reached and the contract has been signed.
A -- Yeshua' Blood redeems us from sin and the power of darkness:
[In whom we have redemption through His Blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His Grace.] -- Ephesians 1:7. We are no longer under condemnation or fear! A lot of people have been redeemed and justified by the Blood but they do not know it, because they live in fear and condemnation. They have given faith to Adonai, but they have not entered into the glory of being justified by the Blood. But the fact is that our sins have been covered and the debt paid in full! We have to enter into that knowledge by faith in order to have the benefit which is peace with YHVH!
B -- Yeshua' Blood breaks down all walls:
[But now in Yeshua Moshiach ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the Blood of Moshiach. For He is our Peace, Who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us.] -- Ephesians 2:13-14. We are all one in Moshiach, a Blood-sprinkled Church. Those who are Blood-sprinkled no longer have any walls of separation.
C -- Yeshua' Blood overcomes Satan:
[And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.] -- Revelation 12:11. What is the Word of the testimony? It is simply this: [I believe in the Blood! I testify to the prevailing, overcoming power of the Blood of Yeshua and I proclaim its total victory!} If you want to overcome Satan, stand on the Blood and proclaim its power!
D -- Yeshua’ Blood gives us access to the Holy of Holies:
This is where YHVH dwells; we now have complete access to the Father. [Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the Blood of Yeshua.] -- Hebrews 10:19. We can now come to our Father boldly, without fear!
There are a number of things I could say here, but I just want to focus on the most important one. We are to go in peace and doubt no more! When Moses sprinkled blood on the sinning Israelites, they never once doubted they were pardoned and accepted by YHVH. They trusted in that sprinkling! Today, the blood sprinkled on us is not that of bulls, goats or sheep, but of Moshiach, the Lamb of YHVH. Yet we have more doubt, and more fear than those Israelites! Martin Luther said it is blasphemy to take back to ourselves all the sins that were laid on Moshiach and I agree! It is absolute sacrilege to go about in fear, guilt and condemnation and to say, [The Bible says that by faith I am cleansed, justified and protected from satan's power, yet I cannot believe such a wonderful thing is possible!] If you are a Moshiach Follower, be in peace today, know that YHVH has come into Covenant with you through the Blood of His Son Yeshua Moshiach.
Without a doubt, the blood of Yeshua Moshiach is the most precious gift our heavenly Father has given to His believers; yet so few believers understand its value and virtue. Many of you will remember that old hymn [Power in the Blood. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb.] But most of us seldom enter into an understanding of the power of that blood we sing about. If I were to ask you what the power of the blood means, you might answer, [It means my sins are forgiven and I am free from bondage.] That would be true, but beyond forgiveness, what does the blood of Yeshua Moshiach mean to you? Can you explain to me, to your family or to a co-worker the value and virtue of the blood of Yeshua? Let us take a look at a fuller understanding of the preciousness of Yeshua’ blood and how it can work wonderful changes in our lives.
When Yeshua met at the last supper with His disciples, He made some fascinating statements. [Likewise, also the cup after supper, saying, this cup is the New Covenant in My Blood, which is shed for you.] -- Luke 22:20. Now every time we partake of communion, or at candle lighting times for Shabbat, we are memorializing this sacrifice Yeshua was talking about. We understand that the wine represents the Blood Yeshua shed for us on the Cross but I think we need to understand what led up to this and the significance behind it all. The first biblical reference to the sprinkling of blood is given when the Israelite people wanted to escape the bondage of Egypt. The last plague that YHVH sent to convince the Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave his country was the death of the firstborn son. To avoid the plague YHVH instructed the Israelites on the use of blood. [And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the basin; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning.] -- Exodus 12:22. That night, when death came to each door, if the lamb’s blood was applied to the sides and top of the doorpost, the firstborn would be spared. Now there is something we need to understand here, if the blood was left in the basin, it would be of no effect, it was merely blood that had been shed. The blood had power to save only when it was lifted out of the basin and applied. Now why couldn’t the Israelites have simply laid the basin of blood at the threshold and said, [It does not matter what we do with it, after all, blood is blood.] Suppose they had put that basin filled with lamb’s blood on a linen-covered table or on a pedestal just inside the door? I will tell you what would have happened; death would have struck that home. The blood had to be lifted out of the basin and applied to the doorposts to fulfil its purpose of protection. This blood that was applied to the doorposts of the Israelites was a type of the blood of Yeshua Moshiach. The blood that flowed from the Cross was not wasted; it did not fall to the ground and disappear. That is the blood that is applied to your doorposts, your heart, when you accept Kingship of Yeshua Moshiach. That Blood both removes your sin, the experience of spiritual death and protects you from the attacks of the Evil one. Yeshua’ Blood has not been left in the basin but has been lifted out and applied to your heart. It is waiting to be applied on the doorposts of hearts all over the world. There is another application of blood I want us to look at. YHVH made a covenant agreement with Israel, and when the terms of that agreement were stated the people’s response was: [All the words which Adonai hath said will we do.] -- Exodus 24:3] They agreed to the Covenant of Adonai. Now this Covenant had to be sealed to be ratified and made valid and that could happen only through the sprinkling of blood upon it. [For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the Law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people.] -- Hebrews 9:19. The shed blood of the burnt offerings was contained in a basin. Moses took some of this blood and poured part of it by the altar. Then he took hyssop, dipped it in the basin and sprinkled some of the blood on the twelve pillars [representing the twelve tribes of Israel]. Finally, Moses dipped the hyssop into the basin and sprinkled the blood on the people. This blood covering the people sealed the Covenant! It is clear from the passage that the sprinkling of the blood gave the Israelites full access to YHVH. On this occasion it had nothing to do with forgiveness and remission of sin but, rather, with communion. They were now sanctified, cleansed and fit to be in YHVH's presence. Immediately after the covenant was sealed by blood applied to the people we read: [Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel: and they saw the Elohim of Israel: and there was under His feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also, they saw YHVH, and did eat and drink.] -- Exodus 24:9-11. This is simply amazing! These men could eat and drink in the very presence of YHVH, whereas shortly before, they had feared for their lives. It was because the blood had been sprinkled and they understood the safety, the power, the security in that. They did not fear! Today we are in a New Covenant with Yeshua Moshiach; a Covenant sealed by His own Blood. Likewise, today, when His precious blood is sprinkled on your soul, it is for purposes of communion. It is so that you can go boldly, with ease, without fear of judgment, into YHVH's presence for communion. You are given access to Him, with no sin condemning you. You are free to talk to YHVH and enjoy His Company! One of the most important sprinklings of blood was done by the high priest. Once each year he went into the Holy of Holies to make atonement, which means [reconciliation.] This act was meant to wipe away the people's sins, so they could be reconciled and have communion again with the heavenly Father. The priest would carry into the Holy of Holies a handful of incense, a censer of burning coals of fire from the altar and a container of blood from a slain ox. Within the Holy of Holies was an Ark, on top of which sat a flat, golden top with a lip around it. This was the mercy seat, where YHVH sat; it was His very presence. The mercy seat had two golden cherubim on either side, with wings spread over the seat. After cleansing himself in an elaborate ceremony, the priest went inside the Holy of holies with great reverence and fear. He dropped the incense into the fire, causing an aroma and smoke to ascend. Then the priest dipped his finger into the blood and sprinkled it seven times on the mercy seat: [and he shall take of the blood of the bullock, and sprinkle it with his finger upon the mercy seat eastward; and before the mercy seat shall he sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times.] -- Leviticus 16:14 When the blood was sprinkled on YHVH's seat, forgiveness of all sins was accomplished and all past sins were covered. When the high priest came out, the people knew YHVH had accepted the sacrifice and their sins were pardoned. Israel never doubted it! Friends, we too have a high priest; Yeshua Moshiach, our Adonai. He is our High Priest not just once a year, but for all time, to the end of the world! Yeshua took His own Blood to the true mercy seat, into YHVH's Presence, the Holy of Holies and presented it for the remission of all sins, for all believers, for all time. It was a final sprinkling! Scriptures says of this act: [neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own Blood He entered in once into the Holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.] -- Hebrews 9:12. [How much more shall the Blood of Moshiach, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to YHVH, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living YHVH?] -- Hebrews 9:14. For Moshiach is not entered into the Holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of YHVH for us.] -- Hebrews 9:24. Yeshua took His own Blood into heaven for us! It is not reserved there simply as a memorial; it is to be sprinkled on all who come to Him by faith!
I wonder how those who stood at Calvary and watched Yeshua die, felt about what they saw. Today we can sing so casually, [I will cherish the old rugged cross,] or, [Beneath the cross of Yeshua, I fain would take my stand.] Without blinking an eye, we can sing, [Yeshua keeps me near the cross... Bring its scenes before me.] Could those who gathered around Calvary have sung, [Bring its scenes before me?] I suspect that as they saw what happened at that place of horror, they might have said, [Take these scenes away from me. I never want to think of them again.] Luke's gospel tells us: [And it was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Yeshua had cried with a loud voice, He said, Father, into Thy Hands I commend My Spirit: and having said thus, He gave up the Spirit. Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glorified YHVH, saying, certainly this was a righteous man. And all the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things which were done, smote their breasts, and returned. And all His acquaintance, and the women that followed Him from Galilee, stood afar off, beholding these things.] -- Luke 23:44-49. Yes, I am sure it was a day they wanted to forget. But they did not forget. They began to meet together and remember His death every first day of the week. The apostle Paul would even say: [For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Yeshua Moshiach, and Him crucified.] -- 1 Corinthians 2:2. As the facts began to come together for them, they began to think of Calvary as often as they could. We, too, must make a pilgrimage to Calvary. If we are going to see what they saw, then we are going to have to look, even though the scenes are not pleasant. We must look upon the view at Calvary. Only there can we grasp certain essential truths. Only there can the most important facts of history be presented to us in a dramatic and unforgettable way.
It was despised by the Jews and their leaders. They had been waiting for the Holy One of YHVH; but when they beheld His Holiness; they despised it. How sad that many Jews were unable to accept the very one they had been waiting and praying for. Moshiach's Righteousness was despised by the Romans. They were not involved in the religious debate over Yeshua; yet they found cause to mock Him. Was there something in Yeshua' attitude that the callous Romans could not understand? These Romans admired power and perhaps they could not appreciate this one who stood as a sheep stands dumb before the shearers. Moshiach's Righteousness was even despised by one of His own disciples. Judas, who was at one time a trusted confidant, saw Moshiach as one to be bartered. How ironic that the One most worthy of our highest praise was subjected to our lowest humiliation. We should not be surprised that Moshiach was despised. The Prophet Isaiah prophesied 700 years before Moshiach that this would happen. [He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.] -- Isaiah 53:3. Men tend to hate those who are better than themselves. Men look at a sinless Moshiach, then at their own sin and instead of coming to Moshiach so that they might be cleansed of their own sinfulness; they despise the only one who can save them. When Mahatma Ghandi, the great advocate of non violent protest, was gunned down by an assassin, someone said, [Now we know how dangerous it is to be good.] We see that point even clearer in Moshiach. The only place this world has for people like Yeshua is on crosses. We have no room for Him anyplace else.
Here in the most trying time of His life we see His holiness shine through. Moments of trial tend to accent the best and worst in a person. In Moshiach, we see His goodness so clearly that we stand in awe. There is only goodness in Him. His righteousness was displayed in His attitude toward His enemies. Would anyone has blamed Yeshua for some few sarcastic words to those who conspired to put Him to death? Yet, Yeshua showed only compassion for His enemies and asked the Father for their forgiveness. Earlier in His ministry, Yeshua had talked about loving our enemies. We might have thought that His words were an unattainable ideal if He had not shown us how to love our enemies. His righteousness was displayed in His attitude toward His friends. When we are in a time of great need, we hope our friends will support us. At Calvary, we do not see Yeshua' friends supporting Him, we see Yeshua supporting His friends. If we look closely enough, we see that as His own Body weighed heavily on that cross, He was supporting us. [For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.] -- Hebrews 4:15. Some have said Yeshua was not truly like us because He did not experience sin. But the fact is He did experience sin. On the cross He took our sins upon Himself. He experienced the weight of all the sins of the world at once. A man who had never committed sin confronted with the sins of the entire world. Yeshua' Righteousness was displayed for the whole world on the cross of Calvary. His Righteousness was displayed in His attitude toward suffering. Yeshua accepts suffering. He realizes that no one can escape it. Yeshua did not come to the cross cheerfully. If He had, we would have wondered about His sanity. No one enjoys suffering, not even Adonai. He did, however, accept suffering. He faced it in a way that inspires us all. Moshiach's Righteousness was displayed in His attitude toward death. Yeshua wanted to avoid Calvary, but it was not because He was afraid to die. He might have been reluctant to face the pain of death. He might have wanted to live longer, but He was not afraid to die. Listen to His final words: [Father, into Your Hands I commit My Spirit.] What a beautiful way to look at death. When we die, we are placing ourselves in the hands of the Father. We can look at Calvary and see the actions of Moshiach. Surely, we are led to say, [Thou art Moshiach, the Son of the living YHVH.] We are not the only ones to be affected by the scenes of Calvary. We have seen Moshiach's Righteousness despised and Moshiach's righteousness displayed.
Moshiach's Righteousness was declared by Pilate. He said, [I find no fault in Him.] Though he did not, as far as we know, believe in Yeshua, Pilate knew a good person when he saw one. Though he did not have the courage to set Moshiach free, he could not bear to judge this Holy One. In John 19 we read that Pilate had a placard placed above Yeshua' head and written on it in three different languages was the message, [Yeshua of Nazareth: the King of the Jews]. The Jews protested to Pilate, [Do not write: The King of the Jews, but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews, but Pilate answered, What I have written, I have written.] -- John 19:21-22. That was a puny, but a truthful sign nailed over Yeshua' head. But realize the might is not in the sign, but in the person who holds it. If the placard seems inconsequential, its message is not. If the might of the Master seemed overwhelmed by the meanness of the cross, it is His power that turned that instrument of execution from a symbol of defeat into an emblem of triumph. The small sign did not hide the gigantic vigour of YHVH, for bleeding as His body may have been; there was the strength to redeem you and me. Moshiach's Righteousness was declared by the centurion. He said, [Surely this was a righteous man.] Admittedly, his faith was partial and incomplete; but he was strongly touched by the man on the cross. Nature even declared Moshiach's righteousness. When Yeshua died, all of YHVH's fury was set loose upon Calvary. From a harmony of the Gospel accounts, we learn that there was a great earthquake; rocks were split in two; the sun stopped shining; the tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people were raised to life. It was if YHVH's anger could be held back no more. The temple veil was torn in two. Surely a nagging thought crept into many minds: [What have we done?] YHVH did not finish there! Three days later came the ultimate declaration of Moshiach's righteousness. The Father raised Him from the dead. This, the most dramatic and startling event in history, was done so that YHVH could say once again, [This is My beloved Son.] Only after the resurrection did the meaning of the cross become clear. This Yeshua and His execution might have faded from memory without the resurrection. After He had risen, they could look back at the Cross and comprehend it. So, the disciples took this message with them. They declared to the world what they had seen. Down through the centuries the message of Yeshua, who conquered sin and death, has been passed on. So, it comes to all; a compulsion to go to Calvary. People long to go to Jerusalem and see the place where Yeshua died and I understand from those who have gone there that it is, indeed, a moving experience. But it is far more important to come spiritually to Calvary. After our spiritual pilgrimage to Calvary, we will leave changed. At Calvary, our eyes grow moist and our throat becomes choked with emotion.
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Hier is Deel 5 van die reeks- Fondasies van die Geloof ?
Ek glo die Woord sal ook vreugde en vrolikheid in jou en jou geliefdes se harte word?
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Steve Hollander
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If you want to watch the Foundations of our Faith in English, please click on the link to the playlist below:
Goeie dag??
Hoop dit gaan goed daar met jou ?
Hier is Deel 5 van die reeks- Fondasies van die Geloof ?
Ek glo die Woord sal ook vreugde en vrolikheid in jou en jou geliefdes se harte word?
Baie seën vir die week wat voorlê?
Steve Hollander
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If you want to watch the Foundations of our Faith in English, please click on the link to the playlist below: