Seven spirits are given to man to enable work: life, sight, hearing, smell, speech, taste, procreation. An eighth spirit is also given: sleep, which brings the trance of nature and the image of death.
Seven others pervert the seven good: fornication, gluttony, fighting, chicanery, pride, jealousy, injustice. The spirit of sleep (aka error and fantasy) works together with the seven lying spirits.
-Reuben #twelvepatriarchs
We run into trouble when we start to think we know better than God when it comes to justice and social order. God's justice is about restoration and protection, not vengeance, and prisons have little to no place at all in God's system of justice. #leviticus #vayikra
Note: The cities of refuge were not prisons. They were places for refuge, not for involuntary confinement as punishment for a crime.
Joe Pena
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Lindsay Tedesco
But remember, kiddush is only a Sabbath tradition and is not commanded to be eaten every Shabbat. Scripture just says "as often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me". But doesn't specify how often that should be. Some do it every Shabbat, while others will only do it once a year on Passover, and then there are those who do everything in-between!
So, I personally don't think the type of bread matters (unless it's during the Days of Unleavened Bread!), or think there even NEEDS to be bread presented every Sabbath. There are MANY brethren who can't eat bread for various reasons, and many other Sabbath keepers don't even do a traditional kiddush at all.
So I guess my final thought is: it's totally up to you! Make it, buy it, and if you can't do either of those, use another type of bread in it's place, or skip it altogether. Just remember "as often as you do this, do it in remembrance of [the Messiah]."
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Sarah Martin
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