And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Matthew 6:13
I believe the intended meaning here is "Don't deliver us into situations where we will be under the power of temptations, but deliver us from harming ourselves through sin."
If we are submitted to him, God will only allow us to be tempted in ways that we are capable of resisting. Never-the-less, we all fail. Nobody but Yeshua has ever lived up to God's standards. Fortunately, he knows us and understands our weaknesses. He is ready and willing to forgive.
Does anyone have a way or contacts for minting coins?
My concern with the current system is that the amount of material in the coin doesn't determine the purchase price; e.g. a 1/10oz would be pro-rata more expensive than a 1/4oz or 1oz coin. This for me is "using false scales".
I therefore would like to see if it is possible to start a coin where the weight of material determines the price. I am thinking about a coin series for the Torah community along the lines of 1/10oz, 1/4oz and 1/5oz gold and silver coins...
There is now a map available on the Ministries page ( ) to show where Ministries are located. This should help you find fellowships easier.
Please note that only a few Ministries have published their addresses to date, but I have contacted the owners and asked them to update their location details. More Ministries will therefore appear on the map over time.