Sometimes, people see what you have and want it, but just aren't willing to do what you did or put in the amount of time and self-discipline needed to obtain it. Instead, they attempt and expect to ride along with you and have what they want to occur in their lives because they know you, fellowship with you, and in some cases are taught by you.
This is dangerous for leaders, teachers, and even just friends. Eventually, when this person is not achieving what they want, you will either become their persecutor (in their minds) or an idol to them, no matter what you did or did not do for them. (Warning: If you allow yourself to stay in that place of an idol, YOU WILL eventually be torn down by The Father.)
I have learned all of this the hard way through the years. Some people don't want to be taught (even though they beg you to teach them). They want to latch on and obtain what you have through a relationship with you instead of that relationship with The Father, hard work, and self-discipline you put in.
It NEVER works.
Be watchful! Sometimes, it's a matter of maturity, but other times, it's a destroyer in disguise (a goat). If you have a check in your spirit about a relationship, listen to that! Tread lightly until you have proof that what you're experiencing is a check from the Ruach and not just suspicion. Evaluate what is going on around you. Are things suddenly happening that don't seem right? Are your other relationships suffering suddenly even though nothing has changed nor harsh words exchanged? These are all clues there could be a goat in your midst.
We often want to believe the best about people so badly that we can't see the destruction they bring. Love new people, but with healthy boundaries. Always let Abba bring healing to them before embarking on a teacher/student relationship that they aren't ready for. Then, let their fruit and maturity and the Ruachs guidance tell you what they truly need from you and are ready for; if anything at all.
The Ruach is a much better teacher than any of us! He just doesn't need our help and will use these people to show us exactly that. Don't get me wrong....I'm not saying we shouldn't teach. I'm saying we should pray more about who, when, where, and why before embarking in that type of relationship. And relationship is the key! The sheep know and trust the shepherd! A good shepherd knows (has a relationship with) their sheep. That is also what allows the shepherd to spot a goat that gets in before it has a chance to destroy!
Final thoughts:
Don't take in a goat because you have no sheep. They eat everything in site, destroy what you've built for future sheep, and run sheep off when they come (usually when your back is turned).
I honestly cannot remember if i did this when I was first introduced to TTN lol. So no time like the present, right? I am currently living in NE Indiana near "the border", but grew up in NW Ohio. Also lived in TX for 5 years back in the '90s. We have several options for fellowship within an hour so I am blessed!
My walk started in about 2013. I was a member of a huge evangelical church in Ft Wayne, and did both church and Torah fellowship for a short time. I was a single working mom and soon realized I had to choose since my time and energy were pretty limited. I no longer consider myself single, as an older brother in the faith has me "covered". I'd love to connect with anyone in the "Fort to the Port" corridor between Ft Wayne and Toledo, OH.
On good vs evil, on why Yahovah allows bad things.
When God had formed man as it were His own image, that which was the completion of His workmanship, He breathed wisdom into him alone, so that he might bring all things into subjection to his own authority and government, and make use of all the advantages of the world. And yet He set before him both good and evil things, inasmuch as He gave to him wisdom, the whole nature of which is employed in discerning things evil and good: for no one can choose better things, and know what is good, unless he at the same time knows to reject and avoid the things which are evil. They are both mutually connected with each other, so that, the one being taken away, the other must also be taken away. Therefore, good and evil things being set before it, then at length wisdom discharges its office, and desires the good for usefulness, but rejects the evil for safety.
Therefore, as innumerable good things have been given which it might enjoy, so also have evils, against which it might guard. For if there is no evil, no danger—nothing, in short, which can injure man—all the material of wisdom is taken away, and will be unnecessary for man. For if only good things are placed in sight, what need is there of reflection, of understanding, of knowledge, of reason? since, wherever he shall extend his hand, that is befitting and adapted to nature; so that if any one should wish to place a most exquisite dinner before infants, who as yet have no taste, it is plain that each will desire that to which either impulse, or hunger, or even accident, shall attract them; and whatever they shall take, it will be useful and salutary to them. What injury will it therefore be for them always to remain as they are, and always to be infants and unacquainted with affairs? But if you add a mixture either of bitter things, or things useless, or even poisonous, they are plainly deceived through their ignorance of good and evil, unless wisdom is added to them, by which they may have the rejection of evil things and the choice of good things.
From Lactantius, an early church father from the 3rd-4th century.
Shabbat shalom, everyone! We'll be live at 1pm today studying Luke 23. Please join via zoom or in person. The address and zoom info is on our home page. See you then!