Prophecy can be tricky, especially when we try to force events to appear as they are a fulfillment of prophetic statements. When we witness something we may ask how a particular event is connected to scripture, but we must be wary to include all of the parameters of scripture concerning the event. If all of the parameters and criteria are there, then and only then can we say with certainty that the event has completed something that was prophesied in the Bible. Still there are many more prophecies that need to be completed than those which have already been completed.
#readmethebiblegarth now includes a new recording of Psalm 1-37 in Hebrew with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here:
The Psalm 22 Hebrew for 2022 recording points out that in this Psalm that Yeshua referred to on the cross, it says God does not hide his face from the suffering one.
The Hebrew for 2022 recordings demonstrate the Grenache tonal reading method for the Hebrew text which brings out the meaningful divisions of verses, according to semantic meaning of the cantillation marks found in the Masoretic text.
#readmethebiblegarth now includes Hebrews 1-7 in Greek with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here:
Blessed are those doing His commands.
Revelation 22
13“I am the ‘Aleph’ and the ‘Taw’, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.
14“Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.
15“But outside are the dogs and those who enchant with drugs, and those who whore, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and all who love and do falsehood.