Молитва для мои братья и сестра с русски и Украины. Етот проблема в Украине для Кристианам вместе русский имеет.
Pray for my brothers and sisters in Russia and Ukraine. The issues Christians would have in Ukraine they have in Russia.
As a side note: I have many Russian and Ukrainian friends. Some who work together. I heard just this evening that some time this last week a co-worker to one of the Russians asked what nationality he was and he answered. Then the co-worker turned to another man right beside him and asked him what nationality he was. He was Ukrainian. The co-worker was shocked that they would work together. One thing that I have heard from both nationalities is that they consider Russians and Ukrainians to be Brothers and closely related. It makes them sad, (both Russians and Ukrainians) to have this war between brothers and relatives. Please keep them in prayer this Shabbat.
Шабат шалом мои братья и сестры. Могу сам Богу влагалище тебе.
Shabbat shalom my brothers and sisters. May God bless you all.
The Mashiach came to serve his bride, we ought to have a similar attitude. We sometimes forget that authority carries with it responsibility for those under that authority.
"So when He had washed their feet and taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? “You call me Teacher and Master, and you say well, for I am. “Then if I, Master and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. “For I gave you an example, that you should do as I have done to you."
(Joh 13:12-15 TS2009)
This coming week, March 6-12 (3-9 Adar II 5782), the Bible reading plan covers the portion Vayikra (He Called).
06 Mar Leviticus 1:1-13 2 Chronicles 21:1-22:12 John 1:19-34 Psalm 73:1-12
07 Mar Leviticus 1:14-2:6 2 Chronicles 23:1-24:16 John 1:35-51 Psalm 73:13-20
08 Mar Leviticus 2:7-16 2 Chronicles 24:17-25:28 John 2:1-25 Psalm 73:21-28
09 Mar Leviticus 3:1-17 2 Chronicles 26:1-27:9 John 3:1-21 Proverbs 16:1-7
10 Mar Leviticus 4:1-26 2 Chronicles 28:1-29:11 John 3:22-36 Proverbs 16:8-14
11 Mar Leviticus 4:27-5:10 2 Chronicles 29:12-30:27 John 4:1-26 Proverbs 16:15-21
12 Mar Leviticus 5:11-6:7 1 Samuel 15:2-34 John 4:27-54 Proverbs 16:22-28
Deuteronomy 25:17-19
The complete annual Bible reading plan for 2021-22 (Hebrew year 5782) is available at this link: