Thought for Today: Thursday December 02:
Let YHVH prepare you for the day that stretches out before you. He knows exactly what this day will contain, whereas you that only have a vague idea about it. You would like to see a map, showing all the twists and turns of your journey. You would feel more prepared if you could somehow visualize what is on the road ahead. However, there is a better way to be prepared for whatever you will encounter today: Spend quality time with YHVH. He will not show you what is on the road ahead but, He will thoroughly equip you for the journey. His living Presence is your Companion each step of the way. Stay in continual communication with Him, whispering His Name whenever you need to redirect your thoughts. Thus, you can walk through this day with your focus on YHVH. His abiding Presence is the best road map available.
Part 11 --- BREAD --- Cooperation
Our cooperation is needed too, for even if we have to work for our bread, YHVH’s blessings on your work are necessary. What you are saying in prayer is, “Adonai bless the work of my hands that I might have bread.” So when Adonai says pray give us today our daily bread, some may interpret it to mean, “Well that means I just don’t have to work; all I have to do is pray and Elohim will feed me.” No, our Adonai does not promote laziness in the Bible. He blesses the work of your hands. He doesn’t bless your hands; He blesses the work of your hands as they are productive. We acknowledge our dependence on YHVH through cooperation with Him. We are dependent on Him for our daily bread, yet we know He needs our cooperation in order for His blessings to come our way.
Part 10 -- OUR DAILY --- Necessity
YHVH has no leftovers. Daily His mercies become new, for they are new every morning. His power is new every morning. Everything is new every morning; nothing stays overnight. Not even the manna did, except on the Sabbath. Everything with YHVH is fresh. “Blessed be YHVH, day by day He bears our burden, the El of our deliverance! Selah.” (Psalm 68:19). Proverbs 20:13 declares, “Do not love sleep, lest you become poor; open your eyes, be satisfy with bread.” Work is involved in the provision; your daily supply will not just drop from heaven. Action is required on our part for our daily bready our daily bread it requires still your cooperation with Adonai by work. Yeshua is not promoting laziness here by saying, “Well just pray and YHVH will give it” . . . No!
A friend of a friend has made a Hannukah party mystery game that you can download to play right away! My friend said they had a blast playing it. "My friend Beth put together a Hanukkah mystery party a few days ago, and after doing it I knew she had to put it on the market. It was so fun with invitations and dressing in costume and hilarious scripts."
The Greeks had prohibited Torah observance and mandated pagan worship throughout Judea. Chanukka is the commemoration of the Jews’ victory over the Greeks by placing their faith in YHVH and refusing to worship false
Gods. Relighting the whole menorah was a signal that religious liberty had been restored in the land. Our replica menorahs are a memorial of this victory and a looking forward to a temple not made with hands and Yeshua’s ultimate reign!
Diane Fuller
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