It is Truly a Season of Miracles…I have been given a Miracle that could have Only come from HIM!! I’d like to share it with you now…
My eyes were opened to what was before me my entire life that I just didn’t see, and at a great cost to me, I embraced the whole of HIS Word, leaving behind me the ways and traditions of man, in the year 2012. Since that time I have worshipped HIM by myself…the Sabbath, HIS Appointed Times, whatever the Scriptures said, it’s been just HIM and I. A little over two years ago, a dear sister introduced me to Jacob’s Tent [you know…I post links for their services, sometimes several times a week] and I’ve been worshipping with them online ever since.
A bit of my backstory…due to an accident in 1993, and after my second back surgery in 1998 [I’ve had seven of them], I was no longer allowed to drive a car. I was also not allowed to go out in the workforce as I could not fulfill my duties any longer as required. I’ve been on an extremely fixed income, making it month by month by HIS Grace - there’s no other explanation for my survival. Okay…back to the present day…
Since my eyes were open, and then more specifically for a little over two years now, I have been in prayer constantly that HE make a way for me to move somewhere where I could worship and fellowship with others who walk out the entirety of HIS Word, and that somewhere would be where Jacob’s Tent is. A few of you also, have been in prayer about this for me. A few months ago, a brother [he was also a LoveStreamer at Jacob’s Tent] told me that he felt led to come to the state I live in, pick up me, Gracie [my service dog], and my belongings, and move us to Tennessee. BTW…did I tell you that he has recently relocated there too?? So, working on Faith, I called and got my name on a waitlist for a place to stay, never knowing when a spot would be available or if I would even be able to get there financially. Also working on Faith, I created a fundraiser [thank you to Everyone who gave from your heart for me] in an attempt to raise the money needed for this move to be possible, whenever Abba opened a window for me. While I did not raise all the funds I actually needed, I did raise enough to be able to pay for the deposit and first month's rent in my new place, in my new state – HalleluYAH!! So I, and several of you, have been praying for a Miracle - for this Miracle to happen!! I talked with Abba every single day – usually Many times a day – telling HIM that if HE wanted me to be in Tennessee, it would have to be by HIS Hand because I couldn’t possibly do this on my own. There was just no way, in every way, to get there by my own power [which, btw, I have none of], a place to live there, the funds to move into a place there, a way to physically make the move…there was just no way but for HIM.
Yesterday evening, just after sunset, I received a phone call that told me a room was available if I still wanted it!! WHAT?? This was a Miracle from Yahweh!! The brother who’s going to come get me is doing this all on his own because I cannot afford a car rental [for the move] or gas for the trip to come here and get me and then for the return trip to my new home! Another Miracle from Yahweh!! Having said this, if there’s anyone who may still be led to assist in the financial aspects of this transition that is Clearly been made possible Only By HIS Hand, I could still use your help!! You can send a donation through Facebook Pay [in Messenger] or through my PayPal, Any monies received will be given to the one who’s rented the vehicle and who is paying for the gas to move me to my new home! And, as always, your prayers are so appreciated!!
Don’t give up, Beloved. If you have a need…if you have a desire…Stay In Prayer!! Yes, it’s taken a few years, but Abba’s been busy this entire time paving the way for this Miracle for me. This move isn’t just about me. HE has had to move in who knows how many other people to make this possible for me. Opening windows, closing doors, blessing others…all to allow my prayers, our prayers, to be answered. At least I didn’t have to wait as long as Abraham did for his son Issac, or Issac for his son Jacob, or Jacob for his firstborn with Rachel. Stay in prayer for that Miracle you want, that Miracle you need, in your life. Our Abba is so good and HE wants the best for us! There have been many, many lessons learned during this waiting time, and I am grateful for every one of them…even the challenges because it was through those that the lessons came. Surrender all to HIM and HE will make it happen! Just…Be…Still! Allow HIM to do HIS Thing for you.
It was my strong desire to share what Abba has done for me, with each of you, because if you’ve prayed for me, HE has heard you, and I wanted to share what the Power of your Prayers has brought to fruition. I also wanted to encourage you and let you know that Miracles Do Still Happen By HIS Hand – and I am the living, breathing example of a present day Miracle!!
I won’t be on Facebook much these next few days as I’ve got much to do and so very little time to do it in!! Please continue in your prayers as I transition to my new home, with real-life people to finally be able to worship with!! It’s been since 2019 that I’ve had even a hug, and I plan on doing a LOT of hugging, beginning with the brother who’s moving me!! Scott Schmitt…you have been warned – hahahahaha
I pray Abba Blesses each of you abundantly, as HE has Blessed me and I pray that I am back with you all fully before too long!! I’m sure I’ll have many tales to share with you!
May Abba Bless You and Keep You…
May Abba Make HIS Face to Shine on You and Show You HIS Favor…
May Abba Lift Up HIS Face Toward You and Give You Shalom…
"When the time is right, I, the LORD, will make it happen..." ~ Yeshayahu [Isaiah] 60:22
It is Truly a Season of Miracles…I have been given a Miracle that could have Only come from HIM!! I’d like to share it with you now…
My eyes were opened to what was before me my entire life that I just didn’t see, and at a great cost to me, I embraced the whole of HIS Word, leaving behind me the ways and traditions of man, in the year 2012. Since that time I have worshipped HIM by myself…the Sabbath, HIS Appointed Times, whatever the Scriptures said, it’s been just HIM and I. A little over two years ago, a dear sister introduced me to Jacob’s Tent [you know…I post links for their services, sometimes several times a week] and I’ve been worshipping with them online ever since.
A bit of my backstory…due to an accident in 1993, and after my second back surgery in 1998 [I’ve had seven of them], I was no longer allowed to drive a car. I was also not allowed to go out in the workforce as I could not fulfill my duties any longer as required. I’ve been on an extremely fixed income, making it month by month by HIS Grace - there’s no other explanation for my survival. Okay…back to the present day…
Since my eyes were open, and then more specifically for a little over two years now, I have been in prayer constantly that HE make a way for me to move somewhere where I could worship and fellowship with others who walk out the entirety of HIS Word, and that somewhere would be where Jacob’s Tent is. A few of you also, have been in prayer about this for me. A few months ago, a brother [he was also a LoveStreamer at Jacob’s Tent] told me that he felt led to come to the state I live in, pick up me, Gracie [my service dog], and my belongings, and move us to Tennessee. BTW…did I tell you that he has recently relocated there too?? So, working on Faith, I called and got my name on a waitlist for a place to stay, never knowing when a spot would be available or if I would even be able to get there financially. Also working on Faith, I created a fundraiser [thank you to Everyone who gave from your heart for me] in an attempt to raise the money needed for this move to be possible, whenever Abba opened a window for me. While I did not raise all the funds I actually needed, I did raise enough to be able to pay for the deposit and first month's rent in my new place, in my new state – HalleluYAH!! So I, and several of you, have been praying for a Miracle - for this Miracle to happen!! I talked with Abba every single day – usually Many times a day – telling HIM that if HE wanted me to be in Tennessee, it would have to be by HIS Hand because I couldn’t possibly do this on my own. There was just no way, in every way, to get there by my own power [which, btw, I have none of], a place to live there, the funds to move into a place there, a way to physically make the move…there was just no way but for HIM.
Yesterday evening, just after sunset, I received a phone call that told me a room was available if I still wanted it!! WHAT?? This was a Miracle from Yahweh!! The brother who’s going to come get me is doing this all on his own because I cannot afford a car rental [for the move] or gas for the trip to come here and get me and then for the return trip to my new home! Another Miracle from Yahweh!! Having said this, if there’s anyone who may still be led to assist in the financial aspects of this transition that is Clearly been made possible Only By HIS Hand, I could still use your help!! You can send a donation through Facebook Pay [in Messenger] or through my PayPal, Any monies received will be given to the one who’s rented the vehicle and who is paying for the gas to move me to my new home! And, as always, your prayers are so appreciated!!
Don’t give up, Beloved. If you have a need…if you have a desire…Stay In Prayer!! Yes, it’s taken a few years, but Abba’s been busy this entire time paving the way for this Miracle for me. This move isn’t just about me. HE has had to move in who knows how many other people to make this possible for me. Opening windows, closing doors, blessing others…all to allow my prayers, our prayers, to be answered. At least I didn’t have to wait as long as Abraham did for his son Issac, or Issac for his son Jacob, or Jacob for his firstborn with Rachel. Stay in prayer for that Miracle you want, that Miracle you need, in your life. Our Abba is so good and HE wants the best for us! There have been many, many lessons learned during this waiting time, and I am grateful for every one of them…even the challenges because it was through those that the lessons came. Surrender all to HIM and HE will make it happen! Just…Be…Still! Allow HIM to do HIS Thing for you.
It was my strong desire to share what Abba has done for me, with each of you, because if you’ve prayed for me, HE has heard you, and I wanted to share what the Power of your Prayers has brought to fruition. I also wanted to encourage you and let you know that Miracles Do Still Happen By HIS Hand – and I am the living, breathing example of a present day Miracle!!
I won’t be on Facebook much these next few days as I’ve got much to do and so very little time to do it in!! Please continue in your prayers as I transition to my new home, with real-life people to finally be able to worship with!! It’s been since 2019 that I’ve had even a hug, and I plan on doing a LOT of hugging, beginning with the brother who’s moving me!! Scott Schmitt…you have been warned – hahahahaha
I pray Abba Blesses each of you abundantly, as HE has Blessed me and I pray that I am back with you all fully before too long!! I’m sure I’ll have many tales to share with you!
May Abba Bless You and Keep You…
May Abba Make HIS Face to Shine on You and Show You HIS Favor…
May Abba Lift Up HIS Face Toward You and Give You Shalom…
"When the time is right, I, the LORD, will make it happen..." ~ Yeshayahu [Isaiah] 60:22
Hanukkah 2021 from our family to yours!
May our light so shine ?
Our Messiah spoke this high calling to His disciples and all who put their trust in Him:
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead they put it on a lamp stand so it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men so they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16
This Hanukkah season, Father, I pray that You would re-ignite the flame in our hearts to shine for your honor and glory, unashamedly. #firstnight #yeshua #hanukkah #menorah
Then Pharaoh sent and called for Joseph. So they quickly fetched him from the pit. He shaved, changed his clothes, and came to Pharaoh.
Genesis 41:14 TLV
Pharaoh's servants took Joseph out of the dungeon, but Joseph himself took the time to shave and make himself presentable. He showed respect to a despotic, abusive tyrant no matter how he might have felt personally.
Do traditions have any value? What is the difference between a command and a tradition?
Jer 8:7 Even the stork in the sky knows her Mo'edim(appointed times) but -
Ephraim is an unwise child not going into the birth canal at the right time Hos 13:13
יהוה has called us to help our brothers and sisters in ישוע from all 12 tribes,
to be in his appointed City Yerushalayim(Jerusalem) at his appointed times Pesach(Passover)/ Shavu'ot(Pentecost)/ Sukkot(Tabernacles)
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Now there with us was a Hebrew youth—a slave belonging to the commander of the bodyguards. When we told him, he interpreted our dreams for us, each man’s dream he interpreted.
Genesis 41:12 TLV
Why did the cupbearer say that Joseph was a "young Hebrew slave"? Why was that important? It could have been CYA in case it didn't work out for Pharaoh: "It worked for me, but he's just a young Hebrew slave, so don't expect too much."