Calling all teenagers!! Every Thursday its Torah Time with Rabbi Tom!!
Rabbi Tom is currently discussing the book of Ezra
If you want to interact with like minded brothers and sisters your age and learn more about the Torah, Yahweh and Yeshua, then send an email to to get the Zoom link!!
The class starts at 1pm EST (8pm SA Time) and is open to all teenagers!!
Ps. Come prepared by knowing what day of the week, month and year it is on the Hebrew calendar!!
#thursdaythoughts #torahtime #torahstudy #torah #yahweh #yeshua #elohim #messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn
Calling all teenagers!! Every Thursday its Torah Time with Rabbi Tom!!
Rabbi Tom is currently discussing the book of Ezra
If you want to interact with like minded brothers and sisters your age and learn more about the Torah, Yahweh and Yeshua, then send an email to to get the Zoom link!!
The class starts at 1pm EST and is open to all teenagers!!
Ps. Come prepared by knowing what day of the week, month and year it is on the Hebrew calendar!!
#thursdaythoughts #torahtime #torahstudy #torah #yahweh #yeshua #elohim #messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn
Shalom Shalom family ?
Thank you for each one that joined together as one body in our Creator, our Saviour and Holy Spirit.
As each Morning is a gift from YHVH, let us at all times rejoice in prayer and Thanksgiving for the blessings we have.
YHVH our God Allmighty, Great is Thy faithfulness, that endures forever and ever. Father Your compassion , Grace, faithfulness, mercy, and love shield us every day. We give You all the Glory and Praises. Thank You for renewing our awakening Spirit this day, giving us a new beginning each morning to walk in Thy wil and way. Thank You for saving lives and opportunities this day to do all that is good and right in your eyes. Please guard us from all evil and corruption. Please fill our hearts with gladness and joy. Than You for forgiveness and the Saving Grace of Yeshua HaMashiach as our sin offering. Thank You for our daily bread and all provisions. We are calling upon Your Holy Name YHVH to reign. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven. Amein
Be blessed and stay blessed ?
i will probably catch a lot of flack for this but it is needed… i am. not against the books removed from the scriptures… i am against certain books that have made their way somehoqw into this category…jubilees contradicts scripture in many places many times (as well as Jasher and Tobit)
we need to be as bereans and test everything, not just take it for fact…like we were doing before Yahuah took us out of the circe
my brother Douglas Boninsegna has made a pdf of all the contradictions in jubilees…dont take my word for it but be as the bereans and search for yourself.
Tobit and Jasher pdf coming soon. Shalom
Thought for Today: Thursday December 23:
Rest with YHVH a while before you start this morning. Enjoy a coffee in His presence while talking to Him and telling Him what you dreamt and how you feel waking up to a new day. Maybe you journeyed up a steep, rugged path in recent days and you need the peace in His presence. Remember, the future and way ahead is always shrouded in uncertainty without Elohim. Look neither behind you to the past or the before you to the future. Instead, focus your attention on YHVH, your constant Companion. Trust that He will equip you fully for whatever awaits you on your journey. He designed time to be a Protection for you. Though He is unlimited by time, it is in the present moment that He meets with you. Refresh yourself in His Company, breathing deep draughts of His Presence. The highest level of trust is to enjoy Him moment by moment. He is always with you, watching over you wherever you go.
#yeshua sat down and called the twelve. He said to them, "If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all." Mark 9:35