Can the human brain calculate how much YHVH love us? In Yeshua's the time the Romans in Yerushalayim made use of different types of crosses. And, what us believers not always think about is that fact that they did not only crucify men but also women and sometimes dogs. A 2nd thing is that in Deuteronomy we read that hanging on a tree is a curse. If one should die in the Jewish tradition of that time, it was done by stoning, which is not a curse but in Roman tradition, it was crucifixion. Nailed to a tree which was a curse. The nails of that time was not through the flesh of the person but through the bone and they had on either side of the nail olive wood pieces that served as a type of blocking so that the person cannot shake him or herself loose. (Archaeologists found evidence of these nails in 1968 near Golgotha. By using a cornu/horn (a seat on the cross of the person to pull him/herself up for a short while, the death was prolonged. One must also remember that crosses was not that high from the ground because in many instances, after a crucifixion, bodies were left on the cross for wild dogs, hyenas and other animal that torn the body apart from the crosses. In that time, it was the most painful excruciating death imaginable! Yeshua was not only spit on, beat, kicked, embarrassed, made fun of and tormented, but He was also cursed by being crucified. Again, do we really realise how much love that must take to go through all this just to have a relationship with us? And many still crucify Him today by rejecting Him and His love for us. I wish sometimes that I had the ability to just grab this world by the shoulders and shake some sense into them. Baruch Attah Adonai Eloheinu Melech HaOlam! Ani ohev Yahuah Eloheinu!
Can the human brain calculate how much YHVH love us? In Yeshua's the time the Romans in Yerushalayim made use of different types of crosses. And, what us believers not always think about is that fact that they did not only crucify men but also women and sometimes dogs. A 2nd thing is that in Deuteronomy we read that hanging on a tree is a curse. If one should die in the Jewish tradition of that time, it was done by stoning, which is not a curse but in Roman tradition, it was crucifixion. Nailed to a tree which was a curse. The nails of that time was not through the flesh of the person but through the bone and they had on either side of the nail olive wood pieces that served as a type of blocking so that the person cannot shake him or herself loose. (Archaeologists found evidence of these nails in 1968 near Golgotha. By using a cornu/horn (a seat on the cross of the person to pull him/herself up for a short while, the death was prolonged. One must also remember that crosses was not that high from the ground because in many instances, after a crucifixion, bodies were left on the cross for wild dogs, hyenas and other animal that torn the body apart from the crosses. In that time, it was the most painful excruciating death imaginable! Yeshua was not only spit on, beat, kicked, embarrassed, made fun of and tormented, but He was also cursed by being crucified. Again, do we really realise how much love that must take to go through all this just to have a relationship with us? And many still crucify Him today by rejecting Him and His love for us. I wish sometimes that I had the ability to just grab this world by the shoulders and shake some sense into them. Baruch Attah Adonai Eloheinu Melech HaOlam! Ani ohev Yahuah Eloheinu!
Can the human brain calculate how much YHVH love us? In Yeshua's the time the Romans in Yerushalayim made use of different types of crosses. And, what us believers not always think about is a fact that they did not only crucify men but also women and sometimes dogs. A 2nd thing is that in Deuteronomy we read that hanging on a tree is a curse. If one should die in the Jewish tradition of that time, it was done by stoning, which is not a curse but in Roman tradition, it was crucifixion. Nailed to a tree which was a curse. The nails of that time was not through the flesh of the person but through the bone and they had on either side of the nail olive wood pieces that served as a type of blocking so that the person cannot shake him or herself loose. (Archaeologists found evidence of these nails in 1968 near Golgotha). By using a cornu/horn (a seat on the cross of the person to pull him/herself up for a short while, the death was prolonged. One must also remember that crosses was not that high from the ground because in many instances, after a crucifixion, bodies were left on the cross for wild dogs, hyenas and other animal that torn the body apart from the crosses. In that time, it was the most painful excruciating death imaginable! Yeshua was not only spit on, beat, kicked, embarrassed, made fun of and tormented, but He was also cursed by being crucified. Again, do we really realise how much love that must take to go through all this just to have a relationship with us? And many still crucify Him today by rejecting Him and His love for us. I wish sometimes that I had the ability to just grab this world by the shoulders and shake some sense into them. Baruch Attah Adonai Eloheinu Melech HaOlam! Ani ohev Yahuah Eloheinu!
#readmethebiblegarth now includes a new reading of John 1-3 (and also includes John 18-21) in Greek with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here:
What the Word says the Sabbath is:
a blessed day (Genesis 2:3).
a commandment (Exodus 20:8-10).
a covenant (Exodus 31:12-17).
a sign (Ezekiel 20:12).
a delight (Isaiah 58:13).
a day of rest remaining today (Hebrews 4:9-11).
a holy/set-apart day (Isaiah 58:13).
a sanctified day (Genesis 2:2-3).
a demonstration of love (John 14:15).
a day made for man (Mark 2:27-28)