Very good word from Steve! This is a way that the Enemy is attacking us from within. Be alert. #torahsisters
Part 1 --- OUR FATHER --- Relationship
For prayer to become effective there must be relationship and fellowship. This is revealed in the very words of this pattern for prayer offered by Yeshua, for Our Father speaks of relationship and fellowship. You can’t really pray effectively until you have both in your life. Relationship and fellowship are different from each other and effective prayer can only take place when both are present. A relationship cannot be broken unless you wilfully, knowingly walk away from the faith. Fellowship requires righteousness and can be broken by sin. Fellowship means there’s communion with YHVH and your heart is cleansed from sin, free of hindrances that could block or interrupt your fellowship with YHVH. You cannot have an effective prayer life without fellowship with Elohim. Yeshua said when you pray; begin with "Our Father". He was saying it is impossible to pray and have an effective prayer life without a relationship with YHVH, for an individual cannot truly pray without first knowing YHVH as Father and experiencing the fellowship that comes about as a result of that relationship. In the book of Isaiah our Adonai told His people, "I want you to call Me Father." Rather than fellowshipping with Him to know Him as Father, they walked away from Him. In Jeremiah, we see Him reaching out again and saying, "I want you to know Me as Father." Yet they walked away from Him. The Jewish people in the day of Yeshua did not know YHVH as He longed to be known. His very Name was forbidden on their lips. Yeshua told them to call Him Father, yet to those who heard Him this was totally foreign for He was using the word Abba which means Father, the most intimate word for a father. When we pray "Our Father" and not "My Father," we also acknowledge our fellowship with the saints. But remember, there is a difference between Our Father and My Father; Our Father is Abba but my Father is "Avi". Avi is the more personal word for "my Father"
Our Adonai in His precious Word begins to teach us how to pray. We cannot pray in our own strength; we pray as we are quickened by the Spirit. Gathered with His disciples, He warned against the use of vain repetitions, pointing to the need for true Spirit-led prayer. Commonly referred to as The Lord Prayer, Yeshua offered a pattern for the disciples to follow in prayer, admonishing them with these words: “after this manner therefore pray.” As we examine the familiar words Yeshua prayed in the midst of His disciples, we can discover glorious revelations about prayer.
“Our Father, Who is in the heavens
Let Your Name be set apart
Let Your reign come
Let Your desire be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into trial but deliver us from the wicked one
Because Yours is the reign and the power and the esteem
Forever, amen" --- Matthew 6:9-13
Over the next days I will add all different parts of the prayer with a meaning to each part: