Just this morning, before reading the current post, I had the thought of how long belief had been established. In 1985, I recognized Messiah as my Savior...then in 2015 my eyes and ears were open to Torah, along with a desiring heart to understand. Near Passover in 2015, I was hearing an answer to a cry of my heart which was "L-RD, there has to be more to you than this" the THIS was churchianity, I would leave Sunday-keeping services just not fulfilled, just not complete. So, I prayed a prayer that the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would give me jewish lenses to see the Hebrew in my heart -- and HE did. For at least two weeks I was on my face, I was in tears, I was repenting of all the lies I had believed and all the lies I had passed on to others. It caused some strife and contention between my husband and he did not connect with me at all; but he tried. A few months later, the scales began to drop off his eyes, the veil was removed, even though he did try to hold it in place for a time. However, he has grown dramatically in his walk, in our walk. Unknown to me, prior to my eyes being opened, he had prayed a prayer of wanting to know and understand the Scriptures. The Light of Torah has shown him so much!!!! Thank you, if you read this whole thing. Blessings. And I have no knowledge of any tribe, although I would certainly appreciate some indication of one. Belonging makes a difference.
Jennifer Stovall
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