Hello all! A question for you - did you have your babies/children dedicated in your church or fellowship and if so, how was it done? We currently attend a church near us (there is no Torah keeping fellowship where we live) and we are having our child dedicated soon - but I wanted to gather ideas and make it as in line with our values as possible. Thanks in advance!
Little views into the new life of Puusuu the rescued cat at home in the barn. She was too afraid to let us help her at first, but when we gave her a can of tuna and a litterbox, she began to trust us. Now almost 6 months later, she is so friendly!
A fresh new lyric video for our new song! Well, we did the melody anyway. Real credit goes to Yah! #worship #songs #music
I am Kepha Ben Yisrael.
I am in my 60s, married for 40 years.
I have 3 grown kids, 33, 37, and 39.
I have 6 grandchildren of various ages.
I was Born and raised into Catholicism.
I wasn't feeling that it was teaching proper bible. They kept the church in the dark about alot of things. Only taught small amounts of bible. I had been shown that there was alot more to the bible then what was taught. I then went to Southern Baptist. I still feel they are closer to the truth than Catholics. But the church that I went to were not Sabbath believers, going to church on the first day of the week.
And they were mostly oriented in the Brit Hadash, and not Torah or Tanaka. While working in my current job, I talked to an Inmate about going back to basics to study where Yah and Yahushua was in the bible. He was a Sabbath believer. He told me of some books mI should check out. I did, and I still am delving into scripture. And trying to get to where our father would have me be for his purposes.
A work in progress. Family is still not believers in the way I do. But they are supportive. I work at a Texas Prison. I have for over 14 years. I'm old enough to retire as of last year. I believe though that I may be a possible help for spreading the word and being an example to these offenders and officers. So I am hesitant to leave. But I also don't like having to work, some Days, on the Sabbath. So I am trying to find the path the father would have me to do. I am constantly asking for direction. I may not be listening good or maybe he will direct me in his time.
Accepting prayers in this matter.
I try to listen to sincere and kind advise.
Cheri L
Found this it might be helpful...
Like all Jewish boys, Christ was circumcised at eight days of age. He was subsequently presented to the temple with his mother, per Jewish custom, at forty days of age. This formed a dual function in the past: a purification right for women after childbirth and the Jewish ceremony of the redemption of the firstborn. All of this is discussed in the New Testament in Luke 2:22–38. I can’t speak for other Christian churches, but our Church has continued this ancient practice with some modifications. Women primarily stay home to rest and care for the newborn for the first forty days after childbirth (a prudent practice for the infant, medically speaking, as infants for the first two months of their life, but especially the first month, have a very underdeveloped immune system that predisposes them to significant illness). Then on the fortieth day they both come to Church for a blessing for both the mother and the infant. The infant is then literally “presented to the temple” as the priest brings the baby in front of the altar. Of course, this is still just a dedication to the Church. Actual initiation into the Church and Christianity doesn’t occur until Baptism, which also usually happens as an infant or toddler in most cases.
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