Blessed are You Adonai our Elohim, for You have created us out of Your love and for Your love. You have given us eyes to see, minds to understand and hearts to love You. Help us to be aware of Your presence and Your coming to us this day and every day. We ask Your blessing on all preachers, ministers, pastors, teachers and everyone on TTN talking of Your Word, that they may proclaim Your presence and the coming of Your Kingdom. We bring before You all who seek to witness to Your abiding love and Your dwelling among us. We pray for Your faithful people as they each prepare for their daily tasks and to rejoice in Your love for them. We pray for all who watch during the darkness of night and seek Your safety. Here we think of the police forces, coastguards, fire crews, ambulance staff, doctors and nurses, security officers and even cleaners. We ask Your blessing upon all who work through the night to provide us with our daily needs. We give You thanks for our homes and our loved ones. Help us to make sure that we have time for each other and for You every day. We think of those who are lonely and troubled and that are without family or friends. But we give thanks for our health and well-being. In Your presence we think of all those who have suddenly become ill or been injured in accidents and those who lives have been darkened by the loss of a loved one. We ask Your blessing upon all who are homeless or hungry and all who fear the future. May they know Your presence and so have courage and hope in their troubles. We rejoice that You come to us and offer us life that is eternal. We kneel before You Great King and we think of our loved ones departed this week and all Your saints. May we all together rejoice forever in Your love. Come Adonai Eloheinu and make Yourself known among us. Avi, my merciful King, we pray this pray in the Name of Your Son Yeshua HaMashiach, amein.
In about an hours time... It's that time!!
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#readmethebiblegarth now includes Matthew 1-6 in Greek with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here:
Peace to you on this Sabbath!
When I first started down the path of Torah I started making a lot of notes. Those notes turned into a "book" that was to rebut the idea of not being able to keep the Law. That "book" sat on my hard drive until I showed a few friends who encouraged me to get it out there.
The format I chose was a blog I've had for a while now. I started publishing this "book" in December 2020 via 10 different blog posts.
I hope it is something that blesses you.
(Written in 2011)
“Sometimes I feel like apologizing for my beliefs. In our culture, it’s not politically correct to be dogmatic or to try to convince someone else that she might be wrong or have false views. I might sincerely believe what I read in my morning Bible time, yet later, when I’m conversing with a neighbor of a different faith or worldview, I’m tempted to keep my mouth shut and not “impose” my views on her.
“Why am I so timid? Do I really think there is a possibility that I’ve interpreted Scripture incorrectly? Do I really think that it’s wrong to make someone else feel badly, even if I think she is believing a lie that has eternal consequences?
“I’ve been pondering this a lot lately, partly because I have friends with different beliefs than mine — and I’ve found myself keeping my mouth shut so that I do not offend them…”
Continue reading…
#readmethebiblegarth now includes Matthew 1-5 in Greek with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here:
Thought for today: Shabbat August 14: Be patient:
Patience and diligence, like faith, can move mountains
When He saw the crowd, He went up on the mountain side and sat down (Mt. 5:1)
Adonai Yeshua, help me to open myself to Your Spirit of Peace, Patience and encouragement in my interactions with other people today. Let Your Light shine on them, amein.