Such an important article. Yes the vaccine passports will lead to the mark of the beast - and here's an article which can explain it better than I ever could.
The restoration of kol Israel demands that we come to a full and proper understanding and implementation of God's authority structure and how He, not tradition or Greco-Roman law, defines family and marriage. This is a challenging topic for meat eaters and those who are not afraid standing against the adversary and false doctrines. Come along for the journey... share, ask questions, discuss and debate, but always remain respectful and on topic.
Good background reading is this Torah Commentary:
Take my hand in the spirit and pray with me:
Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu, For You have given us a world full of beauty and wonder and have created us in Your image. Yet, we have abused the world and marred Your image. Adonai, in Your goodness, heal Your world, forgive us of our sins and restore us. We give thanks that You have called us to work for You. Through Ruach HaKodesh, give us the gifts of wisdom and love in all our dealings. We ask Your blessing upon Your Church where it is working among the oppressed and rejected peoples of this world. Give Your Church the courage to stand against evil and work for the good of all. We give thanks for the balance and harmony of Your Creation. We pray for all who are working to stop pollution of land, sea and air; all who work to protect the species and harvests of our world. We ask Your blessing upon those who seek to care for the rain forests. We pray for all who strive for justice and for the social welfare of all people. We thank You for our loved ones and our homes and ask You to bless and protect us. We pray for all who are forced to live in slums, shantytowns and those on the streets of our cities. We ask Your blessing on all who are going hungry, for those whose relationships have broken down, for those who are full of anger or guild. We pray for all who suffered through the wickedness or evil of others. We pray for victims of crime, violence, abuse and all whose memories are scarred. We ask Your blessing upon all households that have suffered because a loved one has passed away. We ask You help for those who are sick, disabled, old people, orphans and everyone that needs care. We give thanks for You are a loving and forgiving Father; in You we can be healed, restored and renewed. We renew our commitment and all of creation to Your saving power and love. We pray this in the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach, amein.