Continuing in 1 Corinthians chapter 13, aka “The Love Chapter”, Rabbi Steve Berkson explains how love can take on many forms of behavior such as patience, preferring another above yourself, treating those who abuse and slander you with kindness, etc.
“The Love Chapter” says real love does not behave indecently – what is indecent behavior? Can you find a definite description in scripture? Rabbi Berkson explains how this concept is different among various cultures, societies, peoples, etc. This is also where he talks about “Situational Awareness” and why you should practice it in order to demonstrate love toward others.
Wrapping up “The Love Chapter”, Rabbi Berkson takes care in going word by word, term by term, verse by verse to ensure that you, even though you may have read this chapter many times, will have an even deeper understanding of what it means to love one another.
Rabbi Berkson once again dissects the words in these passages so that you will have a deeper understanding of what Yah expects of you, so that you can do it and receive the blessings.
Related Teachings can be found here:
• Developing the Character of Yeshua
• What is Worship?
• INfocus: You’re Still Wrong
• INfocus: Emunah
• INfocus: Take My Yoke Upon You?
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'Garth reads the Bible' now includes 2 Chronicles 1-33 in Hebrew with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here: