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Daily Prayer
Baruch Attah Eloheinu Melech HaOlam, our Righteousness, our God Almighty and our Shepherd. From You comes life, renewal and refreshment. In You we find hope, restoration and well-being. We believe in You, trust in You and love You deeply with all we have and all we are. We give thanks for Your Church throughout the world; for people who are growing in the faith and being made strong by their beliefs. We pray for all who are struggling with opposition and evil and all whose lives are in danger. We pray for all who feel oppressed and let down. We pray for all whose faith is being challenged and those who have lost contact with You. Lord, we ask Your blessing on all Your children called by Your Name. We pray for all whose gifts are being wasted through poor education or through tyranny. We pray for all whose ambitions and livelihood have been destroyed through war, violence and crime. We pray and ask Your blessing upon all touched by natural disasters and especially those in conflict in Afghanistan the past few weeks. We give You praise and thanks for all who care for us. We ask Your blessing upon our families and friends, all whom we love and all who love us. We pray for homes where there is serious illness and where loved ones are carers, we pray especially for all who are struggling to keep their homes together, all whose physical or financial resources are running out. We give thanks for all healers, for doctors and nurses, for social workers and carers. We pray for all who are strengthened by their faith and trust in You. We ask You to bless all whose sickness finds no cure. We pray for all the terminally ill and all who are in a hospice or need permanent care in a home. Lord, we ask forgiveness for our sins and ask that You correct us in our ways through Your love and not through Your wrath. You are the giver of life and eternal life and we rejoice in Your presence and in Your love. We give thanks for the resurrection and we rejoice in the fellowship of all Your saints. We commend the whole world and ourselves to You unfailing love. We ask that You accept this prayer for the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ, amen.
You can now connect with me on Telegram The channel is designed so that you can contribute in the comments on each post. I hope it'll be a useful resource for the times we're in.
Some of the topics covered are:
• This life is a journey to a crown… 3:11
• What do I need to do to ask in belief and not doubt? 16:26
• Is the Torah Yahweh’s “love language”? 22:11
• How can one show love when a strong rebuke and action that seems unloving is needed? 43:50
• The Father will never reject you… 50:34
• How does Yahweh love those who are not close to Him and not following Torah? (Question from a 10-year-old) 55:45
… and much more!
Related Teachings can be found here:
• INfocus: Consequences
Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.
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