Praying Psalm 21
How I rejoices in Your strength, O Adonai! I shout with joy because You give me victory. For You have given me my heart’s desires; You withheld nothing I request. You welcome me back with success and prosperity. You place a crown of finest gold on my head. I ask You to preserve my life and You granted my request. The days of my life stretch on forever. Your victory brings me great honour and You have cloth me with splendour and majesty. You endow me with eternal blessings and give me the joy of Your presence. For I trust in You my Adonai. Your unfailing love my Most High King will keep me from stumbling. You will capture all Your enemies. Your strong right hand will seize all who hate You. You will throw them in a flaming furnace when You appear. My Adonai will consume them in His anger; fire will devour them. You will wipe their children from the face of the earth; they will never have descendants. Although they plot against You, their evil schemes will never succeed. For they will turn and run when they see Your arrows aimed at them. Rise up my King, in all Your power. With music and singing we celebrate Your mighty acts, amein.
In this teaching Rabbi Steve Berkson breaks down chapter 1 of the book of James (Ya’akov)…
• How do we prove our belief?
• Of what do we have to prove ourselves worthy?
• What is the Creator’s “love language”?
• To whom did James write his letter?
• How is endurance beneficial?
• Are you struggling with something?
• What is the “Simple Battle of Life”?
• Why do you find it challenging at time to walk out the Covenant?
• What is ‘double-minded’?
Rabbi Berkson once again dissects the words in these passages so that you will have a deeper understanding of what Yah expects of you, so that you can do it and receive the blessings.
Related Teachings can be found here:
• Endure and Receive the Crown of Life
• Baptism of Fire
• Are You Saved?
• INfocus: Love Language
• Discovering Your Identity
• What Did Yeshua Do?
• INfocus: Proving the New Testament is True
• INfocus: Afraid of Your Mother?
• Making Decisions…the reason you exist
• The Fear of Yahweh
• INfocus: Fear & Doubt vs Faith & Belief
Divorce, Remarriage & Putting Away
The Millennium & The Kingdom
INfocus: Sharing Sovereignty?
Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.
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I was just reading "Our Patchwork Nation" on Kindle. In the chapter on Tractor country, the author recorded a cogent observation that I think would apply to us in forming one or more Torah communities, whether on the kibbutz or moshav, or modified moshav.
In former days, "[l]and was relatively cheap at $2,500 or $3,000 per acre. It's about $7,000 now. And that's before purchasing the necessary machinery, all of which has become more expensive and technically complicated....We could take young farmers that wanted to get into farming, help them set up with the livestock operation, and they could generate enough income just to live on the farm, probably build up some equity and start to grow that way. But because of the cost of operation anymore, that's probably not the case anymore."
Thought for today: Wednesday August 25: Ask
“You will guide me with Your counsel and afterward receive me to glory”. (Psalm 73:24)
Is a problem weighing on your mind? YHVH is thinking and working along with you. If you put every problem in YHVH’s hands, ask Him to give you the right answer, believe that He is doing just that and take the guidance as it comes, your decisions will turn out right.