Jacob's contest with Laban over sheep parallels Rachel's contest with Leah over babies. More patterns in Scripture!
#torah #genesis 30
Naming is an act of authority. Consider this: Jacob let Rachel and Leah name all their own children (and those of their handmaidens!) while they lived, but he renamed Ben-Oni to Benjamin after Rachel died.
Lily Portion for Today:
Ladies remember, grief is a fruit which YHVH only allow to grow on branches which are strong enough to bear them. In any household, it is normally only the mom / wife that can be that branch. (Prayer: I plead with You Abba, to grant me the comfort because You alone can give it. Heal the wounds in my family’s hearts, torn by grief, and grant that we shall see the rainbow of hope through our tears, amein.)
Many people think they want wisdom because today we think wisdom means being smart. Some think that wisdom means having the sense to do the right thing and Solomon writes often about wisdom. The first time it is used in the Bible is in Exodus 28:3. “You are to instruct all the skilled craftsmen, whom I have filled with a spirit of wisdom, to make garments for Aaron’s consecration, so that he may serve Me as priest.” Wisdom is a spirit that comes from our Creator and if you know the Biblical definition of spirit that might give us an idea of exactly what wisdom is.