A healing prayer of blessing for parents who are looking forward to the birth of a child.
Psalm 127:3 --- John 14:16-17 --- Psalm 27:1 --- Jeremiah 17:14 --- Psalm 70:1, 5 --- Isaiah 26:3 --- Proverbs 23:24 --- Habakkuk 3:19 --- James 1:5 --- Psalm 28:7 --- Colossians 3:15 --- Ephesians 3:20 --- John 16:23
Healing Promise
“Children are an heritage of Adonai; and the fruit of the womb is His Reward.” (Psalm 127:3)
Healing Prayer
Adonai YHVH, as I come to You now in the Name of Yeshua, I thank You so much for the child You are giving to me. I truly regard this child as a heritance of Your love, a reward from Your hands. Thank You Abba. Now I ask that You will be with us during the birthing process. Let Your Ruach Kodesh abide with us and the baby and please minister Your peace and comfort during the entire labour and delivery process and afterwards as well. I ask that the delivery and labour will go smoothly without any complications. Keep us from all fear and illness. Be our Deliverer in the unique sense of this childbirth, according to Your promise. Help us to focus on You as we go through labour and delivery, because we know that when we keep our minds stayed on You and trust You, You will keep us in perfect peace. What a wonderful promise that is! Thank You for all Your promises of Your Word dear Adonai. Protect the children You are giving to us. Help our child to be wise; one who will bring great joy to us as parents. Already this child has brought great happiness into our lives. Abba, You are our strength and I know You will see us through each phase of this exciting time. Give the medical personnel who will be involved in the delivery of our child Your wisdom, strength and peace. I look forward to the precious gift You are bringing into our lives and Abba, I thank You that You are able to do exceeding, abundantly above all we could ever ask or think, according to Your power that works within us. Hallelujah! In Yeshua incomparable Name I pray, amen.
Doangh, a Bellchanter twigrub parcel prier of Hottencrib.
Talk to me about people who make intriguing Strange things!
Every working day I create an OOM for the Strange things of our Maker.
#dailycreatedoom 2023/08/08
This quite OOMlich image by Lisette.
Making of:
Tell me about a Strange thing that intrigues you!
Every working day I post an OOM for the Strange things of our Maker.
Does Colossians 2:16 cancel the Torah? Are God's instructions "elemental spirits of the world" and "human precepts and teachings"? I don't think so!
Deuteronomy 16:1-8 adds some significant details to #passover that indicate some ancient traditions might be wrong. The first century Jews had the timing and location of Passover wrong, but #yeshua and his disciples did it right.
#shavuot is a bit of an oddball among God's feast days. It's not clear from the biblical text exactly what it's about, but there are some amazing parallels with the Exodus that give us some big clues.
Daily Prayer
Blessed are You Adonai our YHVH Yireh, for in Yeshua Moshiach, the Word made flesh, You share in our humanity. You come among us to be one with us and that we may come to You. Blessed are You Abba, our King and Creator. Adonai, we welcome You into our hearts, our lives and our homes. We ask Your blessings upon every believer as they worships You throughout this world. May it ever witness to Your presence and Your love. Guide all teachers of the Word, that they my lead all their people to You and help us all to know You and to love You. We rejoice with the angels and pray for peace on earth and goodwill among all people. We ask Your blessing on all areas where there is war, conflict and oppression. We think of those and bring them before You, who are not at peace with themselves or with others. We pray for all who are disturbed or distressed. We pray for this “woke” culture to hear the truth. Adonai, we welcome You into our homes and our lives that we may reflect Your peace and Your glory. We ask Your blessing upon all our loved ones, those who are near and those who are far from us. We pray for all who found life today stressful, we pray for the world’s poor and we pray for those who are deeply in debt to make a living. We pray for the homeless, those who are hungry, shelters and other relief organisations. We ask Your blessing upon all who are lonely, in old age homes, children’s homes, for all widows, single parents and those who feel neglected or forgotten at this time. We pray for those who are ill or who have a disability. We ask that You touch each one of them and give them the assurance that You are with them and give them comfort. Adonai, we rejoice that You came down to earth as a human that we may share in the joys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Adonai, this world is in a bad state, come to us, save us and help us. Make the world aware that there are only One source of Love, One source of Life, One source of Grace, One source of Wisdom and Knowledge and One King everlasting and that is You, YHVH the Tsidkenu of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We honour and worship You. We pray this and ask this only in the Name of our redeemer Yeshua Moshiach, amen.