"image caker" collage.
Talk to me about people who make intriguing Strange things!
Every working day I create an OOM for the Strange things of our Maker.
#dailycreatedoom 2023/08/07
Another OOMlich image by volvulent.
Tell me about a Strange thing that intrigues you!
Every working day I post an OOM for the Strange things of our Maker.
A healing prayer to use when diagnosed with cancer
1 John 17:17 --- Psalm 119:89 --- Isaiah 53:5 --- Job 5:18 --- Psalm 34:19 --- Exodus 15:26 --- Hebrews 10:23 --- Titus 1:2 --- Jeremiah 17:14 --- Psalm 28:7 --- Exodus 15:26 --- Matthew 9:21 --- Mark 11:24 --- Psalm 103:1, 3 --- Proverbs 17:22 --- Nehemiah 8:10 --- Romans 15:13 --- Joel 2:32 --- 2 Corinthians 10:5 --- Matthew 16:19 --- Philippians 2:10 --- John 14:13 --- Acts 3:16 --- Revelation 12:11 --- Mark 11:23 --- Jeremiah 1:12 --- Romans 10:17 --- Acts 9:34 --- Acts 14:9-10 --- James 5:15 --- John 15:16
Healing Promise:
“With His stripes we are healed”. (Isaiah 53:5)
Healing Prayer:
Heavenly Abba, I thank You for all the promises of Your Word, which proclaim healing to those who are sick. Your Word is truth and it is forever settled in heaven. You tell me in Your Word that You have provided healing for me through the stripes of Yeshua Moshiach my Saviour and Adonai. I believe Your hands will make me whole because this is the promise of Your Word. Mighty God, I take great joy from Your promise that through the afflictions of the righteous may be many, You will deliver me and all Your children out of them all. Thank You my YHVH and my ROPHE. You are always faithful Abba. You fulfil all Your promises and You do not lie. Therefore, I ask You to remove all cancer from my body now as I pray. Heal me of cancer, O Adonai Elohiym and I know I will be healed. Thank You for strengthening me. My heart greatly rejoices and I praise You. You are Adonai ROPHE who is healing me. As I reach out to touch the hem of the garment of the Great Physician Yeshua Moshiach, I believe that I receive healing for this cancer and I believe that You Abba Elohiym, are making me whole. I rejoice in Your promise that You will heal me of all my diseases, including cancer. Therefore, I bless You with all my soul and all that is within me blesses Your Holy Name Abba. With Your help, I will endeavour to keep my heart merry each day, because I know that a merry heart does me good like a medicine. Thank You Abba. I will endeavour to walk in the joy You impart to me, because I know Your joy truly is my strength. You fill me with all joy and peace as I believe Your Word and I abound in hope by the power of Ruach HaKodesh. Deliver me from all fear, thoughts and imaginations the devil would bring to torment me. Through faith in Your Word, I now bring every thought and all reasoning and imaginations regarding this cancer into captivity to the obedience of Moshiach Who is Adonai of all. In the authority of the matchless Name of Yeshua Moshiach, I confront cancer and all related fears and I bind them and command them to stop their efforts against me now! Cancer is a name Abba and Your Word says that every name must bow its knee at the mere mention of the Name of Yeshua. Therefore, Abba, in the Name of Yeshua, through faith in that Name and through the merits of the precious blood of Yeshua Moshiach, I now command all cancer in my body to bow its knee and to leave my body forever. I ask You Abba, to watch over these words of faith and bring them to pass by Your great power. Your Word imparts faith for healing to my heart. I receive Your Word, Your strength and I receive Your healing now as I pray. I know that through Yeshua I have been made whole. Thank You Abba. You have enabled me to have the faith I need to be healed. I believe Your healing power is working in me now. My prayer is a prayer of faith based upon Your Word and the faith that You have imparted to me by Your grace and I know You are healing me and raising me up through Your great power. I receive Your health, strength and healing as I pray now in the Name of Yeshua my Adonai and my King. Thank You Abba.