And falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”
Acts 9:4
Persecuting Yeshua's people is the same as persecuting Yeshua himself. There's no indication that the Christians in Syria were especially righteous. They were people just like any other--flawed and sinful--yet Yeshua still called them "me".
Be careful whom you persecute.
[Saul asked the high priest] for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.
Acts 9:2
By what authority could Saul (aka Paul) kidnap people from one Roman province and bring them to another? Surely, the Romans would have taken a very dim view of his activities, regardless of the high priest's approval. It seems that he operated like a first century Mossad.
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Check out this Amazing Video All About Neem and how neem can kill parasites
#yeshua #messiah #neem #allaboutneem #ptpenrose #nvtv #nickvtv #destroyparasites #torah #beinformed
i am a Messianic Torah observer and i have a hard time following this. Why do we not make things as simply as they can be made? Everyone is so hung up on "restored names" and other high-mindedness that they are muddying up the message with "corrections" that make things hard to read and follow.
It's like (similar to something else) trying (attempting/efforting/striving) to read (ingest written text) english (language spoken primarily in the UK and the americas) mixed (combined yet not emulsified) with (ancient form of written language from egypt) hieroglyphics.
We should do as paul did and start where people are.
But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord...
Acts 9:1
Saul, later known as Paul, was so zealous in his hatred of what he perceived as idolatry against YHWH, that he became an idolator himself (elevating interpretations of the Law above the Law-Giver) and set *himself* against YHWH. It's good to be zealous for God's Law, but never forget that the Law was written to serve the people and their relationship with YHWH. People can be wrong and still be striving to do their best to obey and honor God. They're not pagans and they're not your enemies just because they disagree with you.
See also John 16:1-3.