Chicken is kosher, but deadly without refrigeration. #kosher laws aren't about refrigeration or physical disease. It's a spiritual thing. Yeshua did not cancel laws about what animals we can eat. #leviticus #shmini #torah #kosher
Our Verse of the Week
-- and a link to a blog post on why it even matters that we have been called to be "holy"
Men!! We have a great responsibility regarding this age and the culture we are surrounded by. We are called to be the leaders and teachers of Torah and righteousness... Here's an article and table I just posted on my blog. Hoping to convert the table into an infographic in the near future..
Men! You have a heavy responsibility, one that culture and religion undermine, but it is no less ours. We remain accountable!!
God made us to be imaginative, innovative people, but use that gift only within the bounds of God's #torah. Keeping God's Law keeps you free. Ignoring it leads to spiritual slavery.
It is disappointing when "conservatives" condone homosexuality as this article talks about. May we all stick to the Torah teachings on morality.