A hammer is a tool that can build an idol or craft the ark of the covenant. An idol is the completed work of a misused tool and is pagan through and through. Unable to be redeemed or used for anything other than fire wood. A harp is a tool that can worship the God of #israel or be used in the pagan temple to baal. The harp is a tool, and the songs to baal are the completed work and are pagan through and through.
The #native American drum, flute, and vocalizations are tools. Tools that have been sadly used to honor evil spirits. But the one true God, the one true Creator is jealous for these instruments to be used for Him. He desires it just as much as to hear harp or guitar play for His honor. He longs to see the dance steps of the tribes move to the praises of the God of Israel.
I say all this to explain why we have chosen to play this style of music. We are claiming our instruments (Native drum and flute) as belonging to the service of #yahuwah. And believe me when I say, that the devil is NOT happy about it.
Thought for Today: Wednesday February 02:
Thank YHVH today for everything that are troubling you. Maybe you are feeling on the brink of rebellion, precariously close to shaking your fist at YHVH. You feel tempted to indulge in just a little complaining about His treatment of you. But once you step over that line, -- torrents of rage and self-pity can sweep you away. The best protect against this indulgence is thanksgiving. It is impossible to thank YHVH and be angry with Him at the same time. Thanking Him for trials will feel awkward and contrived at first. But if you persist, your thankful words, prayed in faith, will eventually make a difference in your heart. Thankfulness awakens you to YHVH’s Presence, which overshadows all your problems.
May it be Your will, the Eternal our God,
to grant us long life,
a life of peace,
a life of good,
a life of blessing,
a life of sustenance,
a life of vigor of the bones,
a life in which there is fear of sin,
a life free from shame and embarrassment,
a life of riches and honor,
a life in which we may be filled with love of Torah and awe of Heaven,
a life in which You will fulfill all of our hearts’ desires for good.”
I have a seconds copywork book. The numbers on some of the pages are running a little off the page. If that doesn’t bother you, I am selling it for a discount. It also comes with journaling cards. Normal price is $12.50 ppd. Discount $8 ppd. Message if interested. Thanks. #shopfamilyfirst
The Roman military command probably wouldn't have looked too kindly on a centurion being too friendly with the Jewish residents of Capernaum as the centurion in Matthew 8 and Luke 7 had. Making a public appeal like this to an itinerant Jewish faith healer was likely to jeopardize his career. He had life-or-death command over nearly one hundred soldiers and numerous servants, but he was willing to risk it all for the sake of one of them. This is a great example for leaders on all walks of life.