The 2022 #Bible Reading Schedule is up! Please join us in reading through the complete Bible in one year. Besides the #WordOfGod being the #DailyBread to nourish our spirits and keep them strong and healthy, it is one of the best things we can do to keep our minds washed with light and truth in these days of pervasive falsehoods from society at large. #biblereading #BibleStudy #HonoringTorah #honoringmessiah
Who'd like to hear the 10 commandments in Hebrew from thousands of years ago?
Look up on YouTube: Exodus 20 Hebrew for 2022 -"Read Me The Bible, Garth."
#readmethebiblegarth now includes a new recording of Exodus 1-20 in Hebrew with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here:
The Hebrew for 2022 recordings demonstrate the Grenache tonal reading method for the Hebrew text which brings out the meaningful divisions of verses, according to semantic meaning of the cantillation marks found in the Masoretic text.
#readmethebiblegarth now includes Epistle to the Galatians chapters 1-3 in Greek with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here:
Thought for Today: December 30:
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of YHVH, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. -- 1 Peter 5:6-7
If we surrender ourselves to the direction of Elohim, being guided by His mighty hand, He will exalt us; He will help us attain our purposes and rise above all defeats. Place yourself, your interests, your hopes and purposes completely in His hands. He cares!
Ya know one of the biggest lies that modern entertainment has given us? It's in soooo many movies and TV shows. It's the line "believe in yourself". Maybe I'm just nitpicking here but it feels like the message is to look to your own power to get you through difficulty.
Here's a better line "Believe in Yeshua through Whom all things are possible."