#GoodMorning and #HappyFriday! December 17 #BibleStudy links to readings and study resources:
Today’s Notes.
I have been working on the expanded chiasm for these chapters in Revelation, dealing with the second interval period, the Reformation and its effects. The structure (look for it Monday) is revealing some new information.
We saw that Rev 12 was a picture of war in heaven, and spiritual events, such as the coming of Messiah, and Messiah’s people fleeing to the New World - the wilderness - to escape the persecution of the dragon. In chapter 13, we see the picture of war on earth, in that the beast, which is Satan’s earthly empire, was given authority to make war for 42 months. The chapter 13 war took place during the height of Roman power in the Middle Ages, when the absolute power of the Roman Church coupled with the absolute power of the Holy Roman Emperor wreaked destruction on the true believers, in the form of excommunications, crusades, and inquisitions. Although not as many were killed as were killed during the ten Ancient Roman persecutions of the Great Tribulation, still, millions were killed.
You might say that chapters 12 and 13 together paint a picture of Babylon’s Long War against God, when she appears to be victorious.
Is the current vaccine push the mark of the beast? No, I don’t believe so. Now, the Luciferians read the Left Behind interpretation of Revelation just was we do, and seek to make those events come to pass. They are obsessed with 666 and the other prophetic symbolism. So any who are in power are trying to build a third temple building in this era, and get every human encoded with nanotechnology or what have you, and censor people out of the economy. I don’t believe they will be successful, and their actions to push these events are only succeeding in fulfilling the final bowl of wrath judgment that has been poured out on them to bring about their final destruction. (More on that coming up.) But the futurists have misled them just as they have misled the church.
For the biblical understanding of marks on the hand or forehead, please see
Revelation 13, Marked on the hand and forehead.
#Bible #Scripture #DailyBread #fearnotfriday
MeWe @ http://mewe.com/join/a_little_perspective
Gab @ ChristineMiller
Torah Network @ ChristineMiller
#readmethebiblegarth now includes a new recording of Ezekiel 1-43 in Hebrew with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here:
Does doing as YHWH commanded mean 'trusting ones own righteousness'?! Not so at all! The Ezekiel 33 LLV132 for 2022 recording includes a special message about what it means to 'trust ones own righteousness' rather than to walk by faith/faithfulness -by which faith/faithfulness YHWH has always saved people: the faithfulness that keeps hearing and keeps doing what He has commanded, which doesn't put righteousness on pause.
Covering cherub?! The 'Ezekiel 28 Hebrew for 2022' reading explains the differences between the Masoretic and (the earlier) Greek witnesses to the early Hebrew text in Ezekiel 28:12-19, a passage which many Christians are taught to assume is about the history of a 'Lucifer' they think is also referred to in Isaiah 14:12. The uncertain foundations of this 'Lucifer the Covering Cherub' myth are thus exposed. The passages literally denounce human kings. Ezekiel 28:12-19 denounces the king of Tyre, who is therein likened to the priest-like Adam who (because of iniquity found in him) was cast out of the set-apart place of God's garden in Eden.
The Hebrew for 2022 recordings demonstrate the Grenache tonal reading method for the Hebrew text which brings out the meaningful divisions of verses, according to semantic meaning of the cantillation marks found in the Masoretic text.
Shabbat Shalom Mishpocha
Specifically those in New Zealand, Australia, Asia, India and surrounding time zones!!
Join us Friday night at 10pm EST for a live Q&A Zoom session with Rabbi Steve Berkson. Everyone is welcome but questions and attention will be given to the mishpocha in these specific areas first.
If you don't have the link yet, please send an email to zoom@mtoi.org and an auto response will send you the link - If you were in any of the previous meetings, it's the same link...
Hope to see you all there... 10pm EST!!
#shabbat #torah #yahweh #yeshua #elohim #messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #mishpocha
Rom 8:35-39 tells us
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is IN Christ Jesus our Lord.
2 Cor 4 :7-11 tells us - But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.( He lives inside of us )
8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; 10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. 11 For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.
When you are down or afraid GO to the WORD the only real TRUTH!!! He is worthy to be praised !!
Shalom Shalom family ?
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of YHVH is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
While this verse might have been read so many times before, how many took intensely notice of it?
YHVH wants us to truly listen and seek understanding to His word. People read the truth, but hardly lives by it. His Word being like a two-edged sword, Spiritually doing a restoration operation to our bodies. Every nights rest restore us ready for the new day.
It becomes easy to reject the Word heard, if you don’t allow it to take root in our heart and mind. There is a difference in just being able to hear, and purposely listening with and expectation to learn from it.
When the word of YHVH are unable to penetrate in us, we awake in the morning with tiredness and feeling negative impact on our life.
YHVH, Our Heavenly Father. Thank You for the Spiritual awakening this morning. Reviving and refreshing our day every morning with a newness. Thank You for a good night rest knowing that all things are in Your loving and caring hands. Thank You for giving us abilities. Thank You for our sight, our ears and a body that operates by Your power invested in us. Please, help us reflect more on what we need to change. Guide us in our hearing and let us not walk by sight but by Your truth in Your word. Turn everyone to a yearning for Your Word to change them. Let Your truth manifest in every living soul and do Your will in all. Help us not to judge, but diligently seek our hearts and remove all that is not from You. Help us to see others through Your eyes and pray for them to receive Your word, and let us be reminded that we should be a living example of Your grace and mercy. Forgive us for all sins and trespasses against Thee and others. Let Your truth lead us to Your Glory and Holy Throne. Make our walk in the light of Your lamp and the darkness to flee from it. We Glorify You and Praise Your Holy Name. We give Thanks to You our Saviour and Redeemer forever and ever. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done. Amein
Be blessed and stay blessed ?
Minor pet peeve of mine, calling men who lived hundreds of years after #Yeshua "Church Fathers". By this standard Joe Biden is a founding father of #America. (insert involuntary gag here)
Not that I think there wasn't good people then, but I do think we should be more concerned with what Yeshua and the original disciples taught than folks who lived way afterward when things started going south in #Church leadership.
Thought for Today: Friday December 17:
As you get out of bed in the morning, be aware of YHVH’s Presence with you. You may not be thinking clearly yet, but He is. Your early morning thoughts tend to be anxious ones until you get connected with Him. Invite Elohim into your thoughts by whispering His Name. Your day will brighten up and feels more user-friendly. You cannot dread a day that is vibrant with His Presence. You will gain confidence through knowing that He is with you – that you face nothing alone. Anxiety stems from asking the wrong question: -- If such and such happens, can I handle it? – The true question is not whether you can cope with whatever happens, but whether you and YHVH together can handle anything that occurs. It is this you—and—Elohim factor that gives you confidence to face the day cheerfully