In Genesis 26, Isaac told the Philistines that Rebekah was his sister rather than his wife. She was a female relative, so by the language and customs of the time, it wasn't a complete lie, but his intent was still to deceive. Didn't Isaac learn from Abraham's example? Repetition and patterns in the Bible are calls to look deeper.
What events repeat in Israel's history that are like a man temporarily disavowing his wife? Perhaps the Assyria and Babylon exiles?
Some time ago on my blog, I posted an article on how and why God disciplines me. One thing I learned is that God is trying to teach me to listen to Him. This got me thinking. How can I teach my own children to listen to me?
In #genesis 26:2-5, God personally passed the blessing of Abraham to Isaac, rather than to Esau. Once again, the older is made to serve the younger. This is another important pattern that appears repeatedly in Scripture. It's important.
God promised Abraham and Isaac the Land and a multitude of descendants, yet each remained a wanderer with only one faithful son all his life. God knows the right time for everything.
Shalom to all my brothers and sisters! Let me introduce myself to you...the assigned Kingdom work Father has given to me is a ministry called Healing for the Nations with A Modern Day Samaritan Woman. I have a podcast on Hebrew Nation Radio. I also am a writer. My main blog is called Shedding Snake Skins. You can find it on
The radio show can be found on:
I would love to hear from you! I am also available to come speak either at your congregation or event.
Nancy Kindt
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