Since we are in #Genesis for a few more weeks in the #Torah portions, I thought this would interest you:
The Authenticity of the Book of Genesis by Bill Cooper is fast becoming one of the treasures of my library. The evidence discussed for the great antiquity of the Book of Genesis, so far, has been numerous and varied. It has been linguistic, archaeological, historic, cultural, and philological. It has included (but not been limited to):
The overwhelming number of toledoth in Genesis, indicating connections between ancient clay tablets from the first ages …
Comparison of Babylonian and Genesis creation epics …
Pre-Flood geography and the grammatical/ historical construct of its description …
The temptation and fall of man present in various literatures and mythologies …
The Genesis genealogies and the Sumerian king list …
The antiquity of the Genesis calendar …
The historic and archaeological evidence for the Tower of Babel, the Table of Nations, Abraham, the Mesopotamian kings of Gen 14, Melchizedek, pre-Mosaic laws and customs, and Joseph in Egypt.
And that is just in the first part of the book! I have Flood traditions from around the world, and The Genesis Flood Tablet, still to go!
But what profound commentary on our modern educational system:
“What then, shall we say to these things? One piece of evidence for the antiquity of the Book of Genesis would be intriguing. Two would begin to be persuasive. But the body of evidences that we have considered here (and we have not exhausted the subject by any means) is surely compelling to the highest degree. If the Book of Genesis were indeed as young as its critics have claimed, and if it really had been copied and edited from older sources, then there would be many items of hard archaeological evidence to that effect. Certainly, not one of the evidences that we have been considering would even exist. Yet when we look to the modernist school for just one item of hard evidence for their claims, we are met with silence — or merely the time-honored mantra of doubt and confusion.
“Now it is no light thing to withhold evidence of any description, let alone when that evidence has to do with the Word of God. When we read the modernist claim that the kings of Genesis 14 are unknown to us from the historical record, and then see (as in Appendix Two of this book) that all four names of the Mesopotamian kings mentioned in that chapter are contained on a single clay tablet, and that they are also contained severally on other tablets of the time, then we have to ask what is really going on here. These tablets, though kept from the public eye, have been catalogued and translated, and have been lodged in the British Museum since the late 19th century. Their existence is well known to any enquiring scholar who cares to look into the subject. Yet the clear testimony that they bear to the truth of the Genesis 14 record is hidden away. But not only that. Their very existence goes unmentioned, and a deliberate and calculated lie is inserted in their place, the lie that the names of these kings are unknown to us from the historical record, and that the writer of the Book of Genesis either errs in his ignorance, or blatantly deceives those who read him.
“The information we that we have been considering is not just withheld from the public, of course. It is also withheld from all those students who are busy pursuing their degrees in modernist colleges and universities. Entirely unaware of the fact that they are learning and then propagating a lie, they go on to teach their own students and to write in their own publications the lie that they in turn have been taught. The education systems of the western world are geared to suppress independent thought, and open enquiry is discouraged at all levels. Let a student’s dissertation once range beyond the lecture notes that he has been fed, and let his conclusions raise but the smallest question mark over what he has been taught, and he will be severely marked down for it — even failed altogether if the question mark is big enough to embarrass his tutors. The much- vaunted ‘scientific method’ in all this, is a sham.
“This has always been the way of things, just as it always will be the way of things. No amount of evidence or persuasive argument will ever change that. The system is too big, too powerful, and is too firmly entrenched to offer the hope of ever being changed. Moreover, because the world itself rejects the Word of God out of hand, it welcomes a system which tells it how false that Word is, and will protect and nourish that system to the defiance of all logic and common sense.”
Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu, for in Your Son You have come among us and shared in our humanity, that we may come to You and share in Your divinity. You have given us a wonderful Saviour and revealed the depth of Your love. Blessed are You our Holy King. Adonai, we seek to do Your will, that Your Church may be the instrument of Your peace and salvation. We ask Your blessing upon all who go out in mission and all who proclaim the Good News. We pray for all who risk their lives or well-being for the sake of doing Your will. We pray for all who seek to dedicate their lives to You and Your glory. Adonai Elohim, may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We ask Your blessing upon all who strive to bring healing and wholeness to peoples and nations. We pray for peacekeeping forces and all who endeavour to maintain law and order. We pray for the United Nations and for our governments. Adonai, may we reveal Your will in our homes by living together in love and peace. We ask Your blessing upon all our loved ones, friends and family. May we all encourage each other to do Your will. We pray for all who suffer from bad housing or live in areas of deprivation. We ask Your blessing upon all who seek to relieve the needs of the poor. Father, we pray tonight for all who are suffering from strained or broken relationships. We pray for all who are a bad influence and lead others astray. We pray for all caught up in drugs or vice. May they be given the chance of new directions. We pray for all who are ill, old people in homes, children in orphanages, those with disability and the loved ones of those who passed away. We pray for those living in high crime areas and ask Your protection over those called by Your Name. We give thanks for the salvation You provided for us through our Saviour Yeshua Moshiach and we pray this prayer through the Blood He bled for us, amein.
“Hear us, my lord; you are a prince of God among us. Bury your dead in the choicest of our tombs. None of us will withhold from you his tomb to hinder you from burying your dead.”
Genesis 23:6
The Hittites' offer to let Abraham use their own tombs to bury Sarah was a veiled attempt to assimilate him and his clan into their nation. Genocide comes in different forms: murder, displacement, assimilation...
And Jesus said unto Simon: "Fear not; from this day forward, you shall catch men."
#luke 5:10b #bible #gospels #thingsjesussaid #verseoftheday #dailybread #scripture #scripturepictures #scriptureart
#GoodMorning and #happytuesday! October 26 #BibleStudy links to readings and study resources:
#Bible #Scripture #DailyBread #tuesdaytruth
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Torah Network @ ChristineMiller
Thought for Today: Tuesday October 26: Face Your Fear:
For I, Yahuah, your Elohim, am strengthening your right hand, saying to you; Do not fear, I shall help you. -- Isaiah 41:13
The second greatest force in the world is fear. The greatest force of all is faith. Faith can cancel out fear. Say to yourself and mean it: -- In the Name of Yahuah and by the power of Yeshua Moshiach, I hereby stand up to my fears with faith. I am no longer afraid.