I created a group for veterans, no matter what country you're from. Feel free to join here:
Blessed are You Adonai Elohim for You created this world out of Your goodness and pour Your love on it! All things are precious in Your sight and are valued. Father, we know that You are our Protection and our Strength and therefore we pray for all who are suffering for their faith in You, we pray for all who are mocked, scorned, rejected and in danger. We pray for those imprisoned and those who suffer physical harm. We pray for all who seek to proclaim Your love and to help in the healing of nations. We ask Your blessing upon the true Church of Your Son Yeshua Moshiach. YHVH Eloheinu, we ask Your blessing upon all who work for the conservation of the earth and for the care of each creature. We give thanks and praise for the comfort and security of our homes. May we always be aware of the needs of others. We ask Your blessing upon our loved ones, families and friends, that they may know Your love and care. Loving Father, we come in Your presence and kneel down for Your protection for those who have been involved in accidents, acts of violence, for the sick and those who are on the death bed. We ask Your blessing on all those who have been driven of their land and out of their homes. We think of all those who are suffering emotionally and ask that You will comfort them. Adonai, we give our thanks for the deliverance of Your people. But, again there are those who are rising up against all believers to annihilate them. We ask that You bless Your people and that You will be for them a Pillar of Fire at night and a Cloud by day and we ask that their enemies we flee in shame before Your power and Glory. Bless everyone here on TTN and may we all remember those who are slaves, poor, widowed or orphaned during this time. For ourselves we give thanks to You and say: “Baruch Attah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha-Olam, shello `asani aved!” (Blessed are You Lord our God, King of the universe, Who did not make me a slave). For ourselves we give thanks to You that we are free people. We ask that You will forgive us for all our sins and that You open our ears that we may hear Your voice, touch our tongues that we may speak Your Word and touch our lips that we may praise and worship You forever and ever. We pray this prayer in the Name of our Saviour Yeshua Moshiach, amein.
Jacob's contest with Laban over sheep parallels Rachel's contest with Leah over babies. More patterns in Scripture!
#torah #genesis 30
Naming is an act of authority. Consider this: Jacob let Rachel and Leah name all their own children (and those of their handmaidens!) while they lived, but he renamed Ben-Oni to Benjamin after Rachel died.
#Genesis in #ChiasticStructure now Available!
The entire text of the book of Genesis forms a continuous string of chiastic structures from beginning to end, and here one can read the text of Genesis while seeing the structures within it. The structures illuminate the “hard” places of Scripture – where the world has accused God of being vengeful, wrathful, angry, and judgmental – instead elegantly revealing the Gospel of grace, and the life and ministry of Messiah #Yeshua, as well as providing amazing insight into the message of Scripture. The book concludes with three different single structures of the complete book of Genesis.
Immediate eBook download, begin reading today!
My name is Teresa Smith, I am in Sidney Ne. I am closer to Cheyenne Wy and Colorado than Iowa. I have been walking as a born again believer for 26 years and fully out of the church for 18-20. I have never had a congregation to be a part of which has trained me to be a Berean and to search out the answers I needed. I had a husband who on the surface walked in Torah but in his heart did not know Yah. i have three grown children. One who walks in Torah with me, one who it is more family tradition than personal relationship and one who has no relationship with Yah. I have a personal leaning towards Issachar as my tribe but I would not lay odds on it. My favorite verse is "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Mt 6:28-29 I also am very fond of the whole book of Ruth. I am currently single and a waiting on Yah's timing to bring me my Boaz. I am always looking for local like minded believers to fellowship with.
"Pharaoh enslaved us, but Laban tried to destroy us." Pharaoh let the Hebrews remain a distinct people, but Laban tried to assimilate them. In the long run, Israel prospered in both cases. No plan of man can thwart the plan of God. #vayetzei #torah
To a devout Jew, a Messianic believer looks very much like Laban trying to assimilate them. "Be one of us!" But this is a misconception. Torah-keeping believers in Yeshua want to encourage Torah-keeping among Jews and all people. We want them to become purified Jews with more Torah and less Babylon. Yeshua is a Jew, after all.
ALWAYS remember that we are grafted into Israel NOT the other way around. "To the Jew 1st..."
Check out this amazing list of parallels between the stories of Laban and Pharaoh: https://soilfromstone.blogspot.....com/2018/11/themati
Our family of 3 is located in SW Virginia, thankfully near enough to other followers of Torah that we don't have to feel completely isolated. We've been in the walk for almost 2 years now. So thankful for the fellowship we have right now.
We stumbled into this walk backwards. We didn't do any traditional holidays for 5+ years prior to Torah study. The day before Yom Teruah 2019, hubs and I did a mikvah/baptism. After that, the Father changed our course and showed us His ways. Two weeks before Hanukkah 2019, we went to an organized church for the first time in 15 years that is feasts and sabbath. (We met in homes previously.) We spent our first feast cycle with that church. We now meet in homes again with other believers.
Interestingly enough, hubs has a podcast that he named Path to Zion PRIOR to our walking into the feasts and sabbath. Father's ways and timing are perfect. :) - Kristin