Now then, return the man's wife, for he is a prophet, so that he will pray for you, and you shall live. But if you do not return her, know that you shall surely die, you and all who are yours.
#genesis 20:7 #vayera
God judges those whom he uses to judge #israel, but they can escape by repenting quickly and blessing Israel instead.
Yahuah Elohim, You are our Maker; You give us life, You give us love and You give us Yourself. Help us to give our lives, our love and ourselves to You. Keep us alert and aware of Your presence, that we may meet You each day and know that You come to us in grace and in love.
Yahuah Shammah, as You come to Your Church, help us to reveal Your glory. Grant that we may show Your grace and Your goodness of our lives. We thank You for the grace and goodness revealed in Jesus our Christ and that we are enriched in Him. We pray for all Your Churches that are struggling against the darkness of evil, of opposition and of apathy. We pray especially for all Your children, called by Your Name, who are being persecuted for their faith.
Yahuah Rohi, we pray for all who are seeking to bring peace and goodwill among all. We pray for all who are involved in war, violence and crime. We pray for all caught up in earthquakes, famine or floods.
Yahuah Adonai, let Your presence be known in our homes and our actions. May people be thankful for us and our care of all that is around us. We pray that You will show Yourself to us through our loved ones and friends. We pray for all whose lives are darkened by pain and distress; all who are struggling with doubt and despair; all whose faith is shaken by what is happening around them. We pray for members of our community and friends who are ill at this time.
Yahuah M’Kaddesh, we ask that You forgive us our sins and help us to forgive those who sin against us. Give us our daily Word and help us to follow the footsteps of our Saviour. We pray this in the Name of Yeshua Moshiach, amein.
YHVH shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. YHVH shall preserve your going out, and your coming in, from this time forth, and even for evermore.
#psalm 121:7-8 #bible #psalms #verseoftheday #dailybread #scripture #scripturepictures #scriptureart
Good morning brothers and sisters! We'll keep the study on Luke going with chapter two today. This study is interactive and live-only. It will not be posted to the site so please join in person or through Zoom and contribute! See you there starting at 1pm Central. Zoom link and address are at our website!