I’m really enjoying Jacobs Tent App, with teacher Bill Cloud. Wished I lived closer. No congregations in my immediate area.
Blessed are you, Adonai our Elohim, for you are a very present help in trouble. You are more ready to hear then we to pray and willing to give us more than we desire or deserve. We come to You for rest, for renewal, for the strength to do what You would have as do. We give thanks for the church throughout the world. We pray for all those who are weary in their service and all who are in danger of losing faith. We pray for priests, pastors and all ministers who are working in difficult areas and with little support. We ask your blessing upon all who are seeking to share the burdens of those with great responsibilities. We pray for all who are carers and who are giving support to others. As we rejoice in the gift of life, we think of the world-weary, the overwrought and the anxious. We pray for all who are laden with troubles or guilt. We ask Your blessing upon all who are overworked or compressed and those who are fearful for the future. We pray for those who have lost the joy of living and all who cannot easily relax. We give thanks for our friends, our loved ones and for our families. We pray for those who share our joys and our sorrows. We pray for all who have been a support and comfort to us. We pray for families where there is tension and stress and we think of all who are lonely and without help. We give thanks O Adonai, for Your continual support and we pray for all who feel uncared for or unwanted. We pray for all who are at the point of breaking and all those who have broken down. We ask your blessing upon all who are ill and are finding life difficult. We pray for all who seek to be a help and support. We ask Your blessing upon all who have found their rest in You. We pray for all the loved ones of those who have departed from this life. May they find in You comfort, renewal and joy. We ask that You keep us save during this night and that You will forgive us our sins. Father, accept this prayer for the sake of Your Son, our Saviour, Yeshua HaMashiach, amein.
Y’all it just brings my heart so much joy to hear from HSLDA that the number of homeschool families has about quadrupled in many states! How awesome is this! I can’t wait to see the harvest and awakening of souls as they exit indoctrination of cruel mental tortures and evil world views! I know the way is narrow and many won’t find it but just the hope that many children won’t be tormented to such extremes is such a comfort! Yah is good! Please pray for this freedom to continue and communist is knocking at the door and non-jabbed people may be considered terrorists within this political push!