Praying Psalm 2
Adonai, why are the nations so angry? Why do they waste their time with futile plans? The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against You the Most High Elohim and against Your Anointed One Yeshua Mashiach. Let us break their chains, they cry to free themselves from slavery to You my King. But You, Who rules in heaven just laughs. You, O Adonai, scoffs at them. Then in anger You rebukes them, terrifying them with Your fierce fury. For You O Adonai declares, that You have placed Your chosen King on the throne in Jerusalem, on Your Holy mountain. Your King proclaims Your decree that He is Your Son. You have become His Father. You said to Him that He must only ask and You will give Him the nations as His inheritance, the whole earth as His possession. He will break them with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots. Now then Father, I ask that the kings act wisely! That You will warn the rulers, all the rulers of the earth! Let them serve You Adonai with reverent fear and rejoice with trembling. Let them submit to Your royal Son Yeshua my Father. Let them know that if they disobey, He will become angry and they will be destroyed in the midst of all His activities; for Your anger flares up in an instant. But what joy for all who take refuge in You! Be my Rock and my Shelter and let me be Your servant, allow me to do Your will, amein.
1 Peter 5:8 tells us to, "be sober and watch...", but is this referring only to those with a drinking problem or is there another meaning behind this statement?
In this excerpt from the teaching, Peace in a World Not His part 6, Rabbi Steve Berkson clarifies what being "sober" and "watching" actually could mean as it applies to your walk of Torah observance.
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Joshua Stubblefield
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