Overcoming A Feeling Of Abandonment
Romans 10:9, 10 (NIV) / Hebrews 13:5 (NIV) / John 15:13-15 (NIV) / 1 Thessalonian 5:18 (TLB) / Philippians 4:8 (TLB) / Isaiah 41:10 (TLB) / Psalm 91: 11 (AMP) / Romans 8:35, 39 / Psalm 138: 8 (AMP) / Psalm 46:1 (Message) / Proverbs 18:24)
Abba, I confess Yeshua is my Adonai and Moshiach, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and You did raise Him from the dead. Because my faith is in You, I ask for the Power of Ruach HaKodesh to overcome the resentment I feel towards those who abused and abandoned me. Now I am Your child. When people leave me and I feel unloved, I am thankful that You will never ever leave me or reject me. Yeshua gave His Life for me, and called me His friend. He lives in my heart and I sit at His Feet. That for me is much to be thankful for. So, when I am lonely and discouraged, I think of the things that are pure, holy and good. Abba, I ask You to strengthen me and help me while in the presence of dangers surrounding me. I ask that You assign angels to accompany, defend and preserve me in all my days. I know that I am not alone, because Your Word teaches me that nothing can separate me from the Love of Moshiach; not pain, trial, stress or persecution. I will overcome any and every circumstance through Yeshua my Adonai. I know that You are concerned with every detail of my life, great and small. I ask you to help me trust others and that I can be a friend to them with the friendship of David and Jonathan. I ask that You help me to walk in Your Love and show myself as Your child ever moment of every day, amein.
An OOMlich space collage.
Tell me about a Strange thing that intrigues you!
Every working day I post an OOM for the Strange things of our Maker.
Zigzagging ant-laid mazes tiled the slanting wall, up to the jagged crest, as of a wooden crisscrossing wave. The knife edges hanging down laterally under the palate of the serrated crest form sand dollar clustering patterns, and fend off shrugging approaches of the floor.
Thin grass, leaving bare the muck and grit, last hairs of a balding head. There was a whistle in the air across the top edges of narrow walls and gravel.
The ants pried up the grungy grass and the silt: in the damp gash were uncovered the packed bones, hidden for the times that dice would wander the zigzagging walls.
#dailycreatedoom #writtenoom 2023/12/10
Miketz מִקֵּץ
At the End
TORAH Genesis 41:1-44:17
PROPHETS I Kings 3:15-4:1
GOSPEL Luke 24:13-29
Portion Outline
Genesis 41:1 Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dream
Genesis 41:37 Joseph's Rise to Power
Genesis 42:1 Joseph's Brothers Go to Egypt
Genesis 42:26 Joseph's Brothers Return to Canaan
Genesis 43:1 The Brothers Come Again, Bringing Benjamin
Genesis 44:1 Joseph Detains Benjamin
Zec 2:14 Interlude: An Appeal to the Exiles
Zec 3:1 Fourth Vision: Joshuahua and Satan
Zec 4:1 Fifth Vision: The Lampstand and Olive Trees
(Image: © Bigstock via FFOZ)