Q116: Which city was destroyed to such an extent that even the dust in the streets was removed from it?
PS: Discussions are very welcome, but please do not give the answer away in your discussions.
Hint: Ezekiel 27
Mystery Babylon vs Tyre
I was reading Ezekiel 27 this morning and realized that the story sounded very familiar. Skipped over to Rev 17/18 and there the same story repeats itself with Mystery Babylon.
A seafront city, with a very profitable maritime industry being destroyed, never to be seen again...
Now here is what makes me think, I was raised in the church to believe that everything secular is "Mystery Babylon" and must be stayed far away from. Now in the Torah community many want to homestead specifically as they want to come out of "Mystery Babylon".
I am all for homesteading and lived on farms for 6 years which was the quiet in our lives that we needed to find Father and Torah again. I would give my front teeth to have a piece of land for myself so am totally for it.
What I am wonderin is should we react through fear of "living in Mystery Babylon" specifically when desciding where to live?
Both Tyre and Mystery Babylon are specific cities. Believers are called to come out of "her" just before the city is destroyed. So believers are warned ahead of time.
What this also means is that neither Rome, Washington DC, Moscow, etc. can be Mystery Babylon. NY City on the other hand... ? BUT Mystery Babylon is in the wilderness, so sorry not even NY City having the UN building in it can be Mystery Babylon.
Could the new Neom or better yet Oxagon become Mystery Babylon? Only time will tell.
Prayer -- Day 24
Be Encourage
“Therefore, if anyone is in Moshiach, he is a new creation; Old things have passed away; Behold, all things have become new”. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Never be discouraged about yourself. You may have tried all your life long to rid yourself of your weaknesses, your obsessions, jealousies, sins or inferiorities without success. Your failure at self-perfection may be a result of relying on your own efforts. That is a long, tedious and essentially impossible project. But it can be done in no time at all by Moshiach. All you need do is to say simply, “Adonai, I do not want to be this way anymore”; and mean it.