📷 Shalom Chaverim,
Pesach begins in about 2 months!
Abba willing, Camp Ephraim will gather in the Youth Village from April 11-21, 2025.
Booking is only possible for the whole time.
10 nights (in silver troy ounces)
Why Silver? Find more DETAILS on the website (http://www.campephraim.org/jerusalem-camp/)
• Family with 2 or more children
- 17 ounces for 10 nights
• 18+y - 5 ounces for 10 nights
• 5-18y - 3.5 ounces for 10 nights
• 1-4y - free
• orphans up to the age of 18 and widows and those in full time ministry can reach out to us for sponsorships
Once you got your silver -
You can register by sending an email to this address: registerCamp Ephraim.org
(If you are between the ages 18-20 and need help with financing
your flight, you can write an email to the same address as above.
Currently partial sponsorships for three young people between the ages 18-20 are available.)
The Camp Ephraim Team
Camp Ephraim
Shalom Chaverim,
Pesach begins in less than 3 months!
"There was suddenly a noise, a rattling, and the bones came together bone to bone.” (Ezek. 37:7)
Abba willing, Camp Ephraim will gather in the Youth Village from April 11-21, 2025.
Booking is only possible for the whole time.
10 nights (in silver troy ounces)
Why Silver? Find more DETAILS on the website:
Family with 2 or more children
- 17 ounces for 10 nights
18+y - 5 ounces for 10 nights
5-18y - 3.5 ounces for 10 nights
0-4y - free
orphans up to the age of 18 and widows and those in full time ministry can reach out to us for sponsorships
Once you got your silver -
You can register by sending an email to this address: register@Camp Ephraim.org
(If you are between the ages 18-20 and need help with financing
your flight, you can write an email to the same address as above.
Currently partial sponsorships for three young people between the ages 18-20 are available.)
The Camp Ephraim Team
The next New Moon online meeting is on
January 30th, 17:45 Israel time
🔻 Here is your Meeting Link:
Camp Ephraim
Did you hear of the invitation of our King for his feast?
We are looking forward to celebrating it together!
We pray this will be a help for some to come.
And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them, and I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, and the Egyptians shall know that I am YHVH.” And they did so.
#exodus 14:4
God didn't hate ancient Egypt, not the way we usually think of "hate". The purpose of the #10plagues and destruction of the Egyptian army was to teach Egypt, the nations, and Israel about God.
People can hurt you. If you don't fear the consequences of offending people, you could lose your job, your family, even your life, but this is a trap. There is more to your existence than your job and your physical body. There are much greater consequences for being faithless to God, like losing eternity.
On the other hand, if you trust in God and stand up for what's right, even when the immediate consequences could be severe, the long term rewards are far greater than anything you might lose.
#proverbs 29:25 #biblestudy #torah
Is it possible for someone to have an honest relationship and understanding of our Creator after being introduced to Him by false teachers? Absolutely! I know many people who have searched for Him and found His loving mercy and that only comes through an honest desire for His truth. Psalm 27:8, “My heart said, “Seek His face.” Your face, O LORD, I will seek.” When we search for Him He will not hide from us, He will make Himself known to us and offer us His love, mercy and grace.
Question 280: What Is Meant By Unto Them That Are Without, All These Things Are Done In Parables?
In the passage in Mark 4:11, 12 Yeshua meant apparently that He made the difference between His teaching of disciples and of the ordinary people because of the spiritual insight of the former. It was of no use to give the latter the direct teaching that He gave the disciples. But He taught them by illustrations to which they would listen and which would remain in their minds. They would thus learn more than they knew at the time. The meaning of the stories was not clear to them then and they probably thought there was no particular moral to them, but the influence of the teaching would be felt afterwards. Sometimes a child may play at a game that may teach him geography or history and his teacher is aware that the child has learned more than he has any idea of. The child may be interested in a fable and see nothing in it applicable to himself, but in future years the moral meaning of the fable may be perceptible to him.