This coming week, 6-12 October 2024 (4-10 Tishrei 5785), the Bible reading plan covers Yom Kippur.
06 Oct Lev 16:1-3 Mic 3:9-5:15 Rev 3:7-22 Psa 142:1-7
07 Oct Lev 16:4-6 Mic 6:1-7:20 Rev 4:1-5:7 Psa 143:1-12
08 Oct Lev 16:7-11 Nah 1:1-3:19 Rev 5:8-6:8 Psa 144:1-15
09 Oct Lev 16:12-17 Hab 1:1-2:20 Rev 6:9-7:8 Psa 145:1-21
10 Oct Lev 16:18-24 Hab 3:1-19 Rev 7:9-8:6 Psa 146:1-10
11 Oct Lev 16:24-34 Jonah 1:1-4:11 Rev 8:7-9:12 Psa 147:1-11
12 Oct Lev 18:1-30 Isa 57:14-58:14 Rev 9:13-10:7 Psa 147:12-20
Num 29:7-11 Mic 7:18-20
I use a stellarium app on my smartphone that helps me to see the location of the moon at any given time. Even if it's on the other side of the Earth from me. In the event that it's not out of sight it helps me locate it in the sky so that if I can see it simply looking at it with my eyes it's easier to find.
Now I am speaking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry in order somehow to make my fellow Jews jealous, and thus save some of them.
Romans 11:13-14 ESV
I’m sure Paul would rather have gone directly to the Jews as he did early in his ministry. However, since they rejected him in his direct approach, he was determined to follow the calling that God gave to him in the hopes that the grafting in of a mixed multitude of Gentiles would provoke more Jews to put their trust in Yeshua.
Now if their trespass means riches for the world, and if their failure means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!
Romans 11:12 ESV
The restoration of the natural branches will be an amazing validation of many Old Testament prophecies that presage the Messianic Kingdom. Ezekiel 47 also speaks of Gentile sojourners being formally naturalized as Israelites with full inheritance in the Promised Land.
Jew and Gentile are meant to be one in Messiah. The latter doesn’t replace the former, but is adopted into his tents. Our job isn’t to drive off the Jews, but to help repair their ancient tent, and to entice them back by becoming perfect images of Yeshua
New moon confirmed Friday evening. Waiting for confirmation from others.
Confirmed: Friday evening, October 4, 2024
Location: New Zealand [The first expected/confirmed location of reported crescent sightings]
This will place Sukkot on the 20th of October as I predicted awhile back.