When your people Israel are defeated before the enemy because they have sinned against you...
1 Kings 8:33a
No enemy can stand against Israel when she is obedient to God's commandments. She can only be defeated by her own sins, and then her afflictions are meant to be instructive, to bring her to repentance and obedience to God's Law.
Just as national apostasy begins with the sins of individual people, national revival begins with the repentance of individuals. If you want your nation to return to God, start with yourself and your own house.
A new Edition of the Lawful Literal Version of the Bible is out now
The whole text of LLV=ABSV158 whosoever is_possessing, to_him shall_be_given edition:
Please distribute freely, but only by sharing the link to this doc:
Download the LLV/ABSV from here:
Please send suggestions for correction/improvement in private messages to Garth Grenache.
A list of all the improvements and the research and thinking behind them can be found here:
What is a graven image? Exodus 20:4, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.” Literally it is an idol, from the Hebrew word פסל (pronounced pesél). Remembering Hebrew is an action based language, what action can an idol have? They spread hatred.
Thought for Today: Friday September 16:
Many people today seek adventure and excitement; but many also wants more – they want something to believe in; they want a cause to give itself to and a flag to follow. Without a purpose greater than themselves, people know they will end up with empty hearts and meaningless lives. The only cause that is big enough to satisfy the yearning of our hearts is the cause of Yeshua Moshiach; and its flag is the blood-stained body that was lifted on the cross for redemption of the world. We can each have a part, using the unique gifts and opportunities YHVH has given us… It is up to each one of us how to respond to His Call.
How is everyone's day going today? Preparation day is tomorrow, and not a minute to soon. We'll have a nice day of rest after that, then it's recording day. We hope you have been enjoying our weekly music videos. The videos are being uploaded to Rumble, Torah Tube, and Youtube every Monday. Livestreaming some worship sessions is being considered, but we'll need to give it some prayer.