Thought for Today: Wednesday September 14:
Do not resist or run from the difficulties in your life. These problems are not random mistakes, they are hand-tailored blessings designed for your benefit and growth. Embrace all the circumstances that He allows in your life, trusting Him to bring good out of them. View problems as opportunities to rely more fully on Elohiym. When you start to feel stressed, let those feelings alert you to your need for YHVH. Thus, your needs become doorways to deep dependence on YHVH and increasing intimacy between you and Him. Although self-sufficiency is acclaimed in the world, reliance on Elohiym produces abundant living in His Kingdom. Thank Him for every difficulty in your life, since they provide protection from the idolatry of self-reliance.
A new Edition of the Lawful Literal Version of the Bible is out now
The whole text of LLV=ABSV157 The Spirit of the Prophecy and the Book of the Life edition:
Please distribute freely, but only by sharing the link to this doc:
Download the LLV/ABSV from here:
Please send suggestions for correction/improvement in private messages to Garth Grenache.
A list of all the improvements and the research and thinking behind them can be found here:!AnSLUHc48Z....A-gbVGk2bOTOafPYRKsQ
Shalom, everyone.
I have been having a very hard time focusing and just doing the right thing without getting distracted and just flat out not doing what I am supposed to. It has made my parents lose their trust in me, and now I am starting at the very bottom of the barrel with trust and privileges, and I just don't feel right about myself at all. I am going back to how I was in middle school, and there is no way I would like to relive ANY of that. Could I just ask for y'all's prayers for peace and comfort and diligence? I am a hard worker, I just get really lazy and I don't want to work (specifically with school), and I really need to fix that. I just want the same trust from my parents that I had yesterday. I hate doing this to myself, where I do great at the starting, but then it's all downhill from there. I have been praying myself, but I am having trouble finding the words. I know that I just need to continue to trust that Yahweh will get me through this.
I hope everyone has a great day or end of the day, wherever you are. Thank you for all the prayers. I appreciate each and every one of them.
God bless ??