Hey Torah Nomads!
Our bus is out of the shop and we have been working inside insulating and prepping for a floor. Our hope is that our home is sold soon and we are free to get started exploring the USA.
We are wondering: How many of you travel full time? Do you plan your travels around finding churches or homegroups to fellowship with?
We are musicians and participate with our worship team. We hope to do the same with others that the meet in our travels. If you have any tips, please share them with the group!
Live at 7:30 PM Eastern Standard time, Sorcery In The Bible. Listen where you get your favorite podcasts, use the player on our homepage or here https://www.spreaker.com/show/....give-god-90-episode- With a free account you can join the chat or leave a message, please consider liking and sharing these podcasts.
Right after saying "Let your good works shine before men" (Matthew 5:16), #yeshua said "Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people" (Matthew 6:1). What did he mean?
The difference is in motivation. Your obedience with a right heart allows God's light to shine through you. Do good works openly in humble obedience to God's commandments. Wear your tzitziyot so they can be seen, but don't be proud of them. Don't advertise your charity towards the poor, but you don't have to treat it like national security secret, either. This will display God's righteousness, not yours. Focus attention on God, not yourself.
For your Maker is your husband, YHWH of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called.
Isaiah 54:5
"Husband" in this verse is Hebrew ba'al. This verse proves that titles used by false gods are not necessarily rendered pagan or idolatrous by such misuse. Ba'al might have been used as the proper name of a pagan deity, but it is also a perfectly acceptable title to use for YHVH. Just don't confuse the beings behind the labels.