Kindness is the sign of a loving heart; one of the greatest of all virtues. A kind person is pleasant, good, gracious; always appreciated. There’s a lot of talk these days about [random acts of kindness.] Maybe this is because we live in a society starved for good deeds. YHVH is our model for kindness. The kindest act ever committed was YHVH’s sending His own Son Yeshua, to die on the cross for our sins so that we might live forever in heaven. YHVH also showers us with kindness each day, sending sunshine and rain, food and friends, comfort and encouragement, boundless love and wisdom. State of being that includes the attributes of loving affection, sympathy, friendliness, patience, pleasantness, gentleness and goodness. Kindness is a quality shown in the way a person speaks and acts. It is more volitional than emotional. The Bible is filled with illustrations of kindness. Joseph wanted Pharaoh’s butler to show kindness by remembering him to Pharaoh -- Genesis 40:14. Rahab requested kind treatment from Israel for her protection of the two spies who had come into her home -- Joshua 2:12. Before he attacked Amalek, Saul asked the Kenites to leave the Amalekite territory, not wanting to kill them along with the Amalekites because of the kindness they had shown Israel when Israel came up from Egypt -- 1 Samuel 15:6. David commanded the men of Jabesh-Gilead for the kindness they had shown Saul in giving his body a decent burial -- 2 Samuel 2:5. Jonathan requested [unfailing kindness] of David so that he would not be killed -- 1 Samuel 20:14-15. David extended this kindness to Jonathan’s son by granting him the right to eat at the king’s table -- 2 Samuel 9:1-7.
It is the worst kind of ingratitude to return evil for kindness. Abimelech wanted Abraham to swear that he would return kindness for kindness to his offspring -- Genesis 21:23. Abner showed kindness to Ishbosheth by not delivering him over to David, while Ishbosheth in return, charged Abner with guilt regarding Saul’s concubine, Rizpah -- 2 Samuel 3:8. Hanun received David’s kind act of sending condolences on his father’s death by humiliating David’s messengers, thereby bringing on war between the two nations -- 10:2-19. Absalom rebuked Hushai, David’s friend, for supposedly leaving David’s side when he needed him. Absalom asked Hushai if that was the way he was repaying David’s friendship -- 2 Samuel 16:17; see also 2 Chronicles 24:22. YHVH’s actions provide the outstanding illustrations of kindness in the Bible. The Levites praised YHVH because He had proved to be a YHVH of forgiveness, graciousness, compassion and abundant loving kindness -- Nehemiah 9:17-31. To highlight YHVH’s virtue even more, they declared His kindness against the backdrop of Israel’s unfaithfulness. YHVH did not forsake His people, even though they forsook Him for a golden calf. He gave them His Ruach to instruct them. He gave them manna to eat and water to drink for 40 years in the wilderness. He gave them Canaan, a land in which to dwell. The high point of YHVH’s kindness was His provision of salvation for sinners, not on the basis of their works but on the basis of His mercy -- Titus 3:4; see also Ephesians 2:7. Because of YHVH’s great kindness toward them, in giving both physical and spiritual blessings, believers are exhorted, as YHVH’s elect, to put on hearts of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; that is, to show kindness to others in return for YHVH’s kindness -- Colossians 3:12. The apostle Peter commanded believers to add to their faith, along with other excellences, the excellence of brotherly kindness -- 2 Peter 1:7.
Why Should We Be Kind To One Another?
Ephesians 4:32: -- Be kind to each other, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as YHVH through Christ has forgiven you. We should be kind because YHVH has been kind to us and Commands us to be kind to others. Matthew 7:12: -- Do for others what you want them to do for you. We are kind because we want others to be kind to us. Ruth 2:10-12: -- ‘Why are you being so kind to me?’ she asked… Boaz replied ‘…I also know about the love and kindness you have shown your mother-in-law.’ Kindness is never lost; it keeps on going from person to person until it returns to you.
Where Do We Get Believer’s Kindness:
Galatians 5:22: -- When Ruach HaKodesh controls our lives, He will produce this kind of fruit in us: …kindness. Kindness is a fruit that comes from Ruach HaKodesh planted in our lives. 1 Corinthians 13:4: -- Love is patient and kind. From the fountains of love flow the rivers of kindness. It is impossible to be truly kind unless we are first truly loving. Luke 6:35: -- Love your enemies! Do good to them! Lend to them! And don’t be concerned that they might not repay. Kindness is based on the loving heart of the giver, not the loving heart of the recipient.
How Do We Show YHVH Our Gratitude For His Kindness To Us?
Psalm 92:2: -- It is good to proclaim Your unfailing love in the morning, Your faithfulness in the evening. Do you remember daily to thank and praise Adonai for His kindness and faithfulness? And always remember and practice the words of Yeshua: If you love Me, follow My Commandments.
How Has YHVH Shown Kindness To Us?
Titus 3:4-5: Then YHVH our Saviour showed us His kindness and love. He saved us, not because of the good things we did, but because of His mercy. He washed away our sins. By YHVH’s kindness we are saved and given the hope of living forever with Adonai in heaven.
These came in earlier than I anticipated! Announcing my third book: I cannot keep the Law. While being released as my third book, this was actually the first I wrote. Long before the comics were created, I had put together this book as a way for me to work out things and keep notes as I was studying on common objections to keeping the Law as a believer in Christ.
A lot of my comics have been influenced by the research done during the creation of this. When I initially released an updated version of it on my blog, I included some comics with each section. This book continues in that vein, with even more comics related to each section added in.
This batch was ordered so I could take to this year's Sukkot celebration. So, if you are headed there this year, you can grab a copy. If not and you are local and would like one, I will make another order after Sukkot. If you aren't local, or don't want to wait, you can order at my Amazon page. All my links, including Amazon, are at
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We are all awesome but with flaws (Flawesome) and as believers, we are on a journey to becoming transformed into the image of our Messiah (Yahsome).
click here to check it out.
We say that the Bible is a "closed canon" because, like any other measuring stick, if we keep changing it, nobody will have an objective standard they can use to evaluate extra-biblical works. In this video, I'm going to tell you why a having a closed canon is a very good thing.
On this date in history, 09/07/1778: Shawnee lay siege to Boonesborough, Kentucky. The siege lasts through 9/18/1778. #otd #tdih
Exodus 22;18, “Put to death any woman who does evil magic.” Anyone who claims to be a believer and tries to use evil was not allowed to live. There is more than one reason for this. They are deceivers, leeches, they will feed from the host until it dies. They will attempt to deceive the body of believers. These are some of the most vile people who infiltrate a body of believers. These are the ones who reject the Creator and embrace the created.