Typically I try to write something informative or thoughtful, today I’m looking for some input… Solomon writes there is noting new under the sun, implying that everything cycles. Other than the flood of Noah and the destruction of the cities on the plain, which cycle might you think we are currently in that has happened before which shifted the world or the way we might live? Please provide historical accounts, Biblical or otherwise.
Thought for Today: Friday September 02:
May the phrase [Let go and let YHVH] take on a whole new meaning for you. May you learn to rest while He works on your behalf. May you understand your role in this Kingdom-story and do only what He tells you to do. May you live free from bondage of other’ opinions so you are free to love them the way Moshiach does. May others be so drawn to your healed heart that they come to know Yeshua for themselves. Rest in Him.