My Grandma stopped breathing because of fluid in her lungs ?. I did rescue breathing for 15-20 minutes. She started breathing again, but short fast breathing and she still needed assistance breathing. The ambulance arrived and didn't help her breathe. She is 93. Her heart rate was 200bpm and reseperations were 60 breaths a minute for 2.5 hours, until they put her on a Bipap. I asked them to help her breathe, but they only gave her oxygen.
No medical workers thought she would survive. The ambulance refused to transport her to the hospital we requested because they said she was too unstable to transport. Eventually she was transported to the hospital in Lewiston Id.
The Islamic head covered Dr. There told me Grandmother probably would not make it, and if she did, her life would not be worth living. Every time the Dr. Told me that she should only receive comfort care and not extend her life. They took away her food, water, suppliments, and we're amazed she could walk 150 feet, then 230 feet. They took her oxygen away from her the morning after the incident and no Bipap machine.
Her oxygen level before she was released was 83-88 and sometimes in the 90s. Medical staff was concerned about the oxygen level, but the nurse turned off the monitor so people would quit worrying.
After getting her home, I wanted oxygen for her right away, a patient monitor, and any other equipment we needed to help her recover and keep her alive. 3 days she was awake and talking after getting meals. Before eating meals, she didn't make sense or talk much in the hospital or at home. Meals and suppliments are very important. After that she was stuck in bed and a CNA helped me change her clothes and gave her a shower ?. We decided that it was impossible for one person to change her in bed. My relatives didn't show up on the day she was scheduled to see her Doctor, so I had to do the impossible by myself and get her to her Dr appointment 45 minutes away by myself. That Doctor refused to give me a prescription for oxygen. He said she needs a Bipap but he would not prescribe that or give a referral. He said to take away all the suppliments and antibiotics. He already had taken away the cholesterol blocker in the past. That is hospice protocol.
So this confirmed that we had to get medical Equipment without a prescription. I found used and new equipment online. My uncle her son bought a Bipap machine and the 2nd night of use, got Grandmother to the abilities she had before she stopped breathing. However I still need the other medical Equipment to monitor her and give her oxygen. Her oxygen has been lower than before she stopped breathing, she had an irregular heart rhythm, and her heart and body need rest and oxygen for her complete recovery.
All 3 Doctors said she can't enjoy life and life isn't worth living. The last time I saw a Doctor, I was about 33 years old and had trouble keeping a job because of roomers and I took care of my Grandmother. Because of that, the Doctor said I should kill myself because my life wasn't worth living. These Doctors are crazy ?, deciding who should live and who should die, and if their lives are worth living, regardless what the family and patients want or say or have written.
I believe that YHWH'S plan is for Grandma to completely recover and be in her right mind, and show these People who said she would not enjoy her life, that they are wrong, she will enjoy her life, and life isn't disposable. I am trying to sell my stuff and buy $10,000 of medical Equipment. It's possible that the equipment might be sent to me for free or someone else might pay for it or someone might buy my stuff and I can buy the medical equipment. Please pray for YHWH to be glorified in all things and for the equipment to arrive without delay.
Medical professionals said that they have not seen anyone who survived the 200bpm heart rate and 60 breaths a minute, for 2.5 hours! Grandma has a great chance to recover and prove them wrong, glorifying the author of life, the glorious creator, who did not design people to die, despite what the medical professionals said. You don't have to be young, rich, successful and get permission (prescription) from the Doctors to live. A little leaven ruins the entire lump. Doctors have a massive amazing lump of knowledge and experience with medicine and treatment, but deciding people should not live, spoils the entire lump and makes all their knowledge and experience of no effect.
Care and treatment: Matthew 25:32-46 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger...
Thought for Today: Wednesday August 31:
Speak this over yourself this morning: I am Loved, Called and Chosen. I am rich in every way and generous on every occasion. I am anointed, appointed, equipped and enabled by the power of Elohiym that works mightily within me. No weapon formed against me will prosper and no enemy scheme against me will succeed. L live, breathe and serve Powerfully under the shelter of the Most High King. Amen.
Hi All,
I am still working on getting some videos together and working more on this group. I am hoping to have an introductory video up here within the next couple weeks. Its hard to realize how much time and effort goes into managing a channel and creating content until you are doing it yourself.
September verse list!
Oh wow... His plans are big and adventurous sometimes! The kids and I returned at 11:30, last night, from 12 states in 4.5 days. My husband's best friend and fiancé are in the process of moving from Kentucky to New York but, his fiancé was in Georgia with her mom due to a health scare when she got virtually stranded and unable to get back to New York. Meanwhile, my husband drove to New York to meet up with his friend and friend's adult son so they could all drive to Kentucky, pack up and drive three vehicles back to New York. Now, let me explain that she was 12 hours away from us and I'd envisioned this as one day there, one day home so we'd make it back about the time Shabbat would begin. After all, last year I drove to the middle of Florida (a 17-hour straight through drive) with three kids in only 23 hours. This would be cake! (Right here is the part where you're all thinking, 'If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plan'.)
So, the kids and I planned a trip down to get her and return her to New York. We left Thursday afternoon, after my son's online class, without a solid plan for how he was getting online for it the next day. "Yah will provide". (I had started typing out our days and it was making this post REALLY long so I'll summarize instead.)
Because of a couple nasty storms, a car accident backing up traffic, the kids' exhaustion being stuck in the van all day, husband and friend having problems in Kentucky and my out-of-the-ordinary lack of pain tolerance (I have chronic pain but, this was especially bad any time I was sitting upright... not the best timing for a road trip.), the kids and I had to spend two nights in hotels before picking up the fiancé and then we all got re-routed to Kentucky to help the guys finish packing and offer support (mental/emotional as well as wifely duties like keeping them fed and clothed). All was not well, things were incredibly stressful and finances were drastically struggling. I just kept telling myself, "Yah will provide". When I left yesterday morning, finances were so tight that staying in another hotel, if necessary, would not be possible. By lunchtime, Yah had provided finances again, making something post to our bank account early. He sure is good. Prior to this, He had also created provision for our two hotel stays which cost us less than $25 total. Praise Yah!
There were so many more little things that revealed Yah's love but, the biggest thing for me was the way He held me together and allowed me to leave the toxic situation in Kentucky with grace and love rather than the negativity and anger I was feeling. He then washed over me with peace and calm in the first hour on the road. His love, comfort and provisions were unmeasurable throughout the past several days and I am so grateful that I am His!
He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority."
Acts 1:7
Don't worry about things that God hasn't chosen to reveal: the internal nature of God, his motivations for creating, the precise mechanism of atonement. Spending a lot of time on these is a waste when we can't even figure out how to love each other.
Mark Price
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Heather Mott
women wearing them on jeans, which I don't wear. ??♀️
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