Hi All,
I am still working on getting some videos together and working more on this group. I am hoping to have an introductory video up here within the next couple weeks. Its hard to realize how much time and effort goes into managing a channel and creating content until you are doing it yourself.
September verse list!
Oh wow... His plans are big and adventurous sometimes! The kids and I returned at 11:30, last night, from 12 states in 4.5 days. My husband's best friend and fiancé are in the process of moving from Kentucky to New York but, his fiancé was in Georgia with her mom due to a health scare when she got virtually stranded and unable to get back to New York. Meanwhile, my husband drove to New York to meet up with his friend and friend's adult son so they could all drive to Kentucky, pack up and drive three vehicles back to New York. Now, let me explain that she was 12 hours away from us and I'd envisioned this as one day there, one day home so we'd make it back about the time Shabbat would begin. After all, last year I drove to the middle of Florida (a 17-hour straight through drive) with three kids in only 23 hours. This would be cake! (Right here is the part where you're all thinking, 'If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plan'.)
So, the kids and I planned a trip down to get her and return her to New York. We left Thursday afternoon, after my son's online class, without a solid plan for how he was getting online for it the next day. "Yah will provide". (I had started typing out our days and it was making this post REALLY long so I'll summarize instead.)
Because of a couple nasty storms, a car accident backing up traffic, the kids' exhaustion being stuck in the van all day, husband and friend having problems in Kentucky and my out-of-the-ordinary lack of pain tolerance (I have chronic pain but, this was especially bad any time I was sitting upright... not the best timing for a road trip.), the kids and I had to spend two nights in hotels before picking up the fiancé and then we all got re-routed to Kentucky to help the guys finish packing and offer support (mental/emotional as well as wifely duties like keeping them fed and clothed). All was not well, things were incredibly stressful and finances were drastically struggling. I just kept telling myself, "Yah will provide". When I left yesterday morning, finances were so tight that staying in another hotel, if necessary, would not be possible. By lunchtime, Yah had provided finances again, making something post to our bank account early. He sure is good. Prior to this, He had also created provision for our two hotel stays which cost us less than $25 total. Praise Yah!
There were so many more little things that revealed Yah's love but, the biggest thing for me was the way He held me together and allowed me to leave the toxic situation in Kentucky with grace and love rather than the negativity and anger I was feeling. He then washed over me with peace and calm in the first hour on the road. His love, comfort and provisions were unmeasurable throughout the past several days and I am so grateful that I am His!
He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority."
Acts 1:7
Don't worry about things that God hasn't chosen to reveal: the internal nature of God, his motivations for creating, the precise mechanism of atonement. Spending a lot of time on these is a waste when we can't even figure out how to love each other.
Q55: How many years did the children of Israel eat "manna"?
Source: www.biblequiz.biz
PS: Discussions are very welcome, but please do not give the answer away in your discussions.
Exodus 16:35
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
Acts 1:8
When #yeshua sent out his disciples the first time (see Luke 9:1-6), he only sent them to Jewish towns in Jewish lands. In Acts 1:8 he says that he will send them out to "the end of the earth". If he said this in Hebrew or Aramaic, the word for "earth" is synonymous with "land". In context, that probably still only means the full extent of the Promised Land, including much of present day Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt.
If your own house is in disorder, should you be spending a lot of resources in ordering anyone else's house? I don't think so. Remember that Yeshua sent the disciples to Israel first, and only later to the world.
Is the name Lucifer part of a conspiracy to conceal the real name of a powerful pagan god in Isaiah 14:12?